Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Serhiy Tokarev, co-founder and general partner of Roosh, presented important news on his Facebook page. The largest Ukrainian technology companies have united in Diia.City United to create transparent rules, improving the business climate and Diia.City regime. Among the founders of this union, along with Roosh, are such giants as Monobank, Genesis, Ajax Systems, MacPaw and Netpeak Group. This landmark event promises positive changes for the entire Ukrainian technology community.

Serhiy Tokarev highlights the key aspects that make the Union an ideal tool to meet the needs of the Ukrainian IT sector in interaction with the government. He emphasizes that this includes ensuring legal transparency, predictability in operations, creating a favorable business climate, and protecting and improving the legal regime. Tokarev sees the Union as a tool for solving current needs and a platform for long-term development and cooperation between the IT sector and government agencies.

Alexander Kosovan, the founder and CEO of MacPaw, as well as the president of Diia.City United stated that the Union serves not only as a means of bringing companies together but also as a platform for engaging with the government. For Ukrainian entrepreneurs, this means not only the creation of a new organization but also the beginning of an important path to business development in the country. Their ultimate goal is to create a stable and equitable ecosystem that promotes entrepreneurship, attracts investment and unlocks the country’s potential.

Natalia Mikolskaya, executive director of the Union, highlighted their aim to advocate for the technology sector, ensuring that authorities not only listen to but also understand the needs of entrepreneurs and how they can benefit Ukraine. The main focus is on solving the current problems of Diia.City and its subsequent development, as well as attracting attention to Ukrainian technology companies in the international arena.

Serhiy Tokarev said that the main item of the speech of the founders of Diia.City United is that Ukraine is already a significant player in the global technological arena. However, to achieve true leadership, the country needs to provide a transparent environment for entrepreneurship. They claim that this will help accelerate the pace of development and attract large amounts of international investment into the IT sector.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology, as well as Minister of Digital Transformation, noted that today more than 800 companies are residents of Diia.City. Of these, about 100 are engaged in the development of defense technologies. This demonstrates significant progress in the development of Ukraine’s technology sector and highlights its potential in the field of innovation and defense technologies.

Mykhailo Fedorov, stressed the importance of unity within the IT community to improve regulations and collaborate with the government for the sector’s growth.He also expressed confidence that Diia.City United Union will become a shining example of a successful partnership between representatives of technology businesses and government agencies. Such efforts may include the development and implementation of legislative and regulatory initiatives, support for innovative projects, and assistance in creating a special ecosystem for the development of the IT sector in the country.

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