Sun. Jan 12th, 2025

Jonathan VanAntwerpen has a varied background, including experience as a Journalist, Author, and Co-editor of The Immanent Frame. Before joining the Luce Foundation, he served for a decade on the staff of the Social Science Research Council. He was the founding director of the program on Religion and the Public Sphere, and led the development team that launched a groundbreaking website titled The Immanent Frame, featuring original writing from hundreds of scholars. He also served as its editor-in-chief for several years.

Co-editor of The Immanent Frame:

The Immanent Frame was originally conceived as an experimental blog that would encourage collaboration among diverse disciplines. With funding from the Henry Luce Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Teagle Foundation, it aimed to explore the intersection of secularism and religion. The immanent frame also included a forum for provocative dialogue. Jonathan VanAntwerpen and his co-editors continue to engage in this work and are excited to see where the Immanent Frame takes us next.


Jonathan VanAntwerpen is a philosopher, editor, and journalist. He is the director of the Henry Luce Foundation’s religion program, and he co-founded and edited The Immanent Frame, a journal that publishes original writing from leading scholars in the field. VanAntwerpen was trained as a philosopher and holds a Ph.D. in sociology. In his career, he has published dozens of books and edited numerous academic journals. Did ghostface killah get shot?


In addition to being a writer, author, editor, and director, Jonathan VanAntwerpen has a wealth of experience in the nonprofit world. He has led the initiative for “the immanent frame,” a digital publication featuring the original writing of hundreds of scholars, including some from the humanities. VanAntwerpen served as editor-in-chief of the SSRC for many years.


As Director of the Center for Religion and Public Culture, VanAntwerpen helped establish a variety of publications and programs, including a digital journal called The Immanent Frame. The Immanent Frame publishes original writing by hundreds of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. He also served as editor-in-chief. The center’s annual conference, The Immanent Frame Festival, features original writing from leading scholars in a variety of fields. Is Legit?


Formerly the director of the Henry Luce Foundation’s religion and theology program, Jonathan VanAntwerpen brings expertise in the areas of religion and public life. Initially trained as a philosopher, VanAntwerpen now focuses on public knowledge about spiritual practices, critical intellectual engagement with religious ideas, and innovative thinking about religion. In addition to his work as an advisor and author, VanAntwerpen has been active in many public affairs and political campaigns. Read more on certified pedia.