Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

“Product Design” and “Industrial Design” are frequently used synonymously. It makes sense that understanding their definitions would be the first step in learning how the two vary from one another. It’s not so easy, though, concerning these two design-related disciplines.

Some claim they have the same meaning, while others offer sharp definitions of the two that directly conflict with one another. As a result, we’ll examine what goes into both Product Design and Industrial Design in this article to determine what makes both processes unique.

What is Industrial Design?

Industrial Design is a tactical process concentrating on a product’s look, use, and production potential. Additionally, it is described as “the art or process of creating manufactured objects,” which has resulted in the mass production of numerous items that are all the same.

It is the application of design principles to tangible goods intended for mass manufacturing. Before the product’s construction or production, a product’s form and characteristics are determined and defined by creative means.

The main goal of Industrial Design is to seamlessly combine form and function to create things that are as good as they can be so that they can provide long-lasting value to end consumers, whether it be a car, a piece of clothing, a mobile phone, a TV, a microwave oven, a vacuum cleaner, or a computer.

To mass-produce things internationally, Industrial Design has recently grown more focused on fusing artistic form with practicality, craft designs and ergonomics.

What does an Industrial Designer do?

Industrial Designers and Engineers were the forerunners of the Industrial Revolution, which gave rise to the modern industrial product design sector. If it weren’t for the shift to new industrial procedures that simplified and optimised mass production, we wouldn’t have the same quality of life.

Industrial Designers use their skills as engineers and modern artists to produce more affordable, visually beautiful items that appeal to consumers daily. They take a product that fulfils a particular requirement and function and enhances its beauty and functionality.

Industrial designers plan and develop new items or works by creating drawings, pictures, and storyboards of prospective product concepts and presenting them to customers. In addition to researching design trends and product limits, they also look at the different uses that a given product has.

Also, aside from testing concepts in focus groups or surveys, these designers negotiate design solutions with clients, management, and production personnel. They create models out of samples and oversee the creation of patterns and manufacturing procedures.

Moreover, they describe and record the designs chosen for production, and they are responsible for assessing the product’s functionality, safety, and aesthetics to determine whether a design is workable.

What is Product Design?

Product design is prevalent all around. Everything you purchase or utilise daily was once just an idea or concept that a design team eventually brought to life.

Product Design as a Noun

Product Design is the collection of product characteristics that comprise the aesthetic, functional, and overall characteristics of the combined form and function.

Product Design as a Process

Product Design is the series of strategic and tactical actions used to generate a product design, from the initial concept to commercialisation.

These two interrelated definitions are employed to capture the scope of the subject adequately; one is a noun that describes product design in relation to the product, and the other describes the product design process in connection to this product.

Understanding the end user, or the consumer for whom the product is being designed, is essential for effective Product Design.

What does a Product Designer do?

To translate concepts into real things, Product Designers develop and evaluate ideas. To create products that people can use, Product Designers must combine the arts, sciences, and cutting-edge technology.

Product Designers create and build tangible goods that consumers want to buy. They investigate innovative and intriguing concepts and techniques for brand-new or current goods. They could also enhance product design for better usefulness and performance.

Product Designers frequently collaborate internally and externally throughout the whole design process as members of a more comprehensive design and manufacturing team. People who are creative and passionate about finding original solutions to issues usually succeed in this line of work.

Over the past few years, the job description has changed. The phrase is also used to describe designers in charge of developing or upgrading digital goods as interactive products and SaaS have become more prevalent. They guarantee that the customer will be able to use the product or service.

Overlaps between Product and Industrial Design

Although Product Design is sometimes viewed as Industrial Design’s successor, there are so many overlaps between Industrial and Product design. There is no generally agreed-upon definition of Product Design, which further muddles the two disciplines’ differences.

When attempting to differentiate between industrial and product design, you will always encounter issues. A new product might be developed, or an old one can be improved in both design disciplines.

On the other hand, industrial designers typically concentrate on more specialised items, whereas product designers incorporate everything related to a product and tend to focus more on standard products.

Industrial design involves developing items or solutions before they are manufactured, whereas product design focuses entirely on generating solutions or products.

Product design has expanded recently to include software, consulting services, and physical product design. Nowadays, product designers are more frequently involved in developing intangible things like computer software.

The meanings of both phrases are constantly expanding thanks to new technology and societal developments, making it more and more challenging to describe them as distinct concepts.


About Pro-Dev

Pro-Dev is your One-Stop Solution for Industrial Design and Product Development in NZ. Pro-Dev works closely with all stakeholders to ensure the highest quality standard and uses independent compliance testing labs to meet compliance requirements for all the markets where the product will be sold (USA, EU, AU, NZ, Canada).

When your company needs the best industrial design Sydney offers, consider looking outside the borders for a team that delivers excellence with every project. Pro-Dev in Wellington, New Zealand, offers quality service that transcends simple build specifications to create trustworthy solutions for your brand.

 Our one-stop solution to industrial design in New Zealand and the international community makes us an intelligent choice for any project from start to finish.

By Richard Maxwell

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