Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

If there is one thing students dread more than examinations, it’s their daily homework. While doing their homework may not be their favorite way to spend their time outside the school, it is well known that assignments are essential for the personal development of students. This is not only to improve their knowledge but also to develop certain skills such as self-regulation, critical thinking and time management, among others. Homework is an important tool to develop the fundamental skills that are indispensable for a student’s academic development and future success. 

The List of Problems in Doing Homework Students Face Everyday

1. Time management issues

Homework can be quite time-consuming, and students often have trouble managing their time effectively in order to get it all done. This can lead to frustration and feeling overwhelmed. This is when students ask for do my homework help from expert writers to save their time and energy.

2. Distractions at home

There are often many distractions at home, making it difficult for students to focus on their homework. This can include things like television, video games, siblings, and other household activities.

3. Lack of motivation

Some students simply lack the motivation to do their homework. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as not being interested in the material or feeling like it is too difficult.

4. Poor study habits

If students do not have good study habits, they may struggle with doing their homework. This can include things like not being organized, not taking enough time to focus, or not knowing how to effectively study for exams.

5. Test anxiety

For some students, the thought of taking a test can be very anxiety-provoking. This can make it difficult to focus on homework or even study for a test.

6. Procrastination

Procrastination is a common issue for many students when it comes to homework. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed, as well as falling behind in class.

 What Researches Show

A statistical study conducted in 2017 by Fernández-Alonso et al. on a sample of 26,543 students analyzed the relationship between the assigned homework and the student’s academic achievement. They concluded that while the amount of homework has a positive impact on academics, the time taken by individual students on the homework is inversely proportional. The result of this study can indicate that students who are adept at managing their time do significantly better than their peers in school. Homework requires efficient time management and self-regulation on the part of the students, and therefore, those who have a positive attitude towards homework are comparatively better at these skills. These skills are paramount for every individual to succeed in their career, as well as in their personal life.

Furthermore, students who are punctual in completing their assignments have a better understanding of the topics taught in the classroom and are active participants in class discussions. For instance, if a student goes home and works on their homework, they revisit the topics that were taught during the school hours on that day. In case, the assignment was to finish reading a topic before class, then they have the knowledge and understanding about the topic to participate without hesitation.

Completing the homework also lets the student catch any concepts or topics they did not understand, which can then promptly be resolved. Additionally, the CSAR instructional framework, which includes Contextual learning, reflective learning, active learning and social learning, emphasizes developing teaching methods that promote independent thinking and research in the students to promote better understanding. (Barak; Buijs and Admiraal) Homework gives the student the opportunity to ponder over a concept and come up with answers on their own, therefore developing their critical thinking and analytical skills. 

It is important to note that while homework is undoubtedly connected to better academic performance, the quality of the assignment also plays a significant role. Research published in 2013 determined the effect of homework on the non-academic aspects of a student’s life. (Galloway et al.) It was found that on average a student would spend about 3 hours on their homework, exceeding which, they face various detrimental effects of the excessive work pressure. These effects can manifest in the form of mental stress, sleep deprivation, fatigue, and even social isolation. However, if necessary considerations are taken while designing the homework, keeping in mind the workload of students, homework is certain to positively impact their scores. It will also promote the development of certain soft skills such as time management, self-regulation, analytical and critical thinking.

 To Sum Up

It is beyond doubt that homework assignments ensure that the students are in-sync with the course material and are able to better absorb the knowledge and utilize them in real-world problems, and are therefore extremely important for their academics. 

References analyzed

Barak, Moshe. “Instructional Principles for Fostering Learning with ICT: Teachers’ Perspectives as Learners and Instructors.” Education and Information Technologies, vol. 11, no. 2, Apr. 2006, pp. 121–135, doi:10.1007/s11134-006-7362-9.

Buijs, Maartje, and Wilfried Admiraal. “Homework Assignments to Enhance Student Engagement in Secondary Education.” European Journal of Psychology of Education, vol. 28, no. 3, June 2012, pp. 767–779, doi:10.1007/s10212-012-0139-0.