Chiropractic treatment is relatively an emerging concept yet it has gained tremendous popularity for several good reasons. That being said, a chiropractor operates with an approach that the human body is interconnected instead of using traditional medicine therapies. This is a more synergistic strategy to evaluate and realign the body mechanisms in a natural way.
Chiropractors figure out the underlying concerns regarding the improper functioning of the spine. Initially, you will go through a detailed physical examination focusing on different factors such as injury, mobility, tension, etc. Once the examination procedure is complete, they will have a better idea of the issues and how they can be treated to improve the quality of life.
When we talk about whiplash, the case varies from one individual to another and so does the chiropractic whiplash treatment. The chiropractic treatment is focused on the key dysfunctions identified during the initial evaluation.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is one of the types of neck injuries that occur when your head abruptly moves forward and backward. The condition commonly arises in automobile accidents. Also, it may occur during sports or performing heavy-duty tasks for hours. The symptoms of whiplash are not evident immediately after the accident. At times, you may notice headache, insomnia, or neck pain after several hours, days, or even weeks. Though make sure if you notice any of the whiplash symptoms that we have listed below, consult the nearby doctor immediately and seek medical attention. If not, even a minor injury can eventually become chronic and life-threatening.
Symptoms of Whiplash
The symptoms as a result of whiplash depend on multiple factors such as the posture during the impact, the direction of the force, the intensity of the pressure, and the overall health of the affected individual. These symptoms can range from minor to major. In certain situations, the symptoms of whiplash are delayed resulting in intense pain or chronic spine. Here we have listed some of the most common whiplash symptoms.
- Headache especially at the lower side of the skull
- Neck and shoulder muscle paroxysms
- Insomnia or issues in sleeping
- Mood swings, depression, or anxiety
- Stiffness and pain in the shoulders, neck, arms, and back
- Difficulty in concentration
- Neurological concerns such as weakness, intense pain, or tingling
Spinal Manipulation for Whiplash
Spinal manipulation is frequently known as chiropractic adjustments. It focuses on determining the misaligned neck joints followed by a procedure to get them back in shape. The therapy is performed by slowly moving the affected joint in a suitable direction. At times, the chiropractor may apply gentle thrust. In most cases, they focus on slow mobilizing movement. It’s a fact that the whiplash injury can further worsen with herniated or bulging discs. Considering this, chiropractors use the flexion-distraction technique and non-thrusting spinal manipulation to ease the pain.
Manual Therapy for Soft Tissue Injuries
For soft tissue injuries, chiropractors follow a more precise way instead of general spinal manipulation. These techniques are commonly known as manual therapy. Using this procedure, the affected muscles and ligaments can be restored over time. Here chiropractors use therapeutic massage, instrument-assisted therapy, trigger point therapy, and other stretching techniques to improve mobility in the injured areas. These instruments play an important role to slowly stimulate the soft tissue by patting the areas with the required impact. Trigger point therapy is another effective treatment to ease pain in specific areas of tension. Chiropractors execute this treatment using their fingers. Another commonly used chiropractic treatment is therapeutic massage entirely focused on relaxing the muscles. Lastly, different stretching techniques are highly practical in restoring the injured soft tissues.
McKenzie and Sensorimotor Exercises
Primarily depending on the condition, a chiropractor may use different exercises such as McKenzie or stabilization workouts to help patients recover from the injury. McKenzie exercises are exclusively designed to minimize disc imbalance. It includes simple movements that can be even performed at home. McKenzie exercises encourage the individual to be more active during the recovery. On the other hand, stabilization and sensorimotor exercises are designed to correct inappropriate movement patterns followed in everyday routine. By performing these exercises as recommended, the nervous system of the body tends to coordinate better, control movement patterns, and enhance stability in the neck muscles.
Therapeutic Chiropractic Treatment
A few more therapies that are frequently used in the treatment of back and neck injuries due to whiplash include interferential electrical stimulation and ultrasound therapy. Interferential electrical stimulation helps in activating muscles using safe and mild electric pressure. During this therapy, the inflammation is significantly reduced in the affected areas. On the other hand, ultrasound therapy is used to treat muscle pain, tension-related concerns, spasms, etc. The procedure uses sound waves diffusing into the tissue to minimize pain. The provided warmth helps in improving circulation and naturally heal the pain.
Ergonomic and Lifestyle Modification
Stress is one of the major factors that may worsen your condition. A chiropractor will recommend you different routine activities to improve your mental health along with your physical condition. They will address multiple factors regarding your home environment, workplace, recreational activities, and more. They are more likely to have a consultation session with you focused on speaking your heart out.
Wrapping Up
Whiplash is an unexpected and unfortunate condition with ambiguous symptoms. Even a minor incident that you may not consider seriously can considerably affect your wellbeing. Remember a minor injury is not always minor. If left untreated can lead to severe condition sooner or later. To stay on the safe side, consulting a chiropractor for whiplash treatment shouldn’t be optional but a compulsion since nothing comes before your health.
A detailed diagnosis can identify the deep tissue damage, a broken bone, sprained nerve, or any other symptoms. Receiving immediate care will help you recover fast and minimize the risk of any long-term health complications. If you have any queries regarding the whiplash chiropractic care and treatment or pi marketing for chiropractors, feel free to write to us in the comment section below. We will be more than happy to serve your queries.