Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
Happy couple registering at the gym while employee explains benefits showing them a catalogue - healthy lifestyles

The economic case offers special reasons for advancing LGBTQ equality, particularly in institutional or public policy situations, where human rights and market-based arguments sometimes clash.

 Activists may provide more vital ideas to promote LGBTQ therapy by making an economic case. International organizations should do more to assist the well-being of the LGBTQ population worldwide. 

  1. Education

It starts with analyzing the effects of the issues that plague LGBTQ youth during their years at school. Many LGBTQ kids experience homophobic policies, professors, and peers that humiliate and harass them because of their identity. 

Students who identify as LGBTQ have more significant anxiety and suicidal thoughts than their cisgender and heterosexual friends, which results in worse grades, higher absence rates, and more anxiety overall. Higher education continues to mistreat LGBTQ students.

  1.  Work

Next, it demonstrates that LGBTQ employees encounter a labor market with significant entry-level hurdles after they graduate and enter the workforce. Employees who identify as LGBTQ are less likely to have jobs than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. 

They encounter obvious and subtle obstacles at work that prevent them from developing professionally. LGBTQ employees face various obstacles while trying to get a job or grow their careers. 

Fewer interviews are likely to result from LGBTQ applicants’ resumes than interviews for cisgender and heterosexual prospects. Toxic workplaces and stigma hamper LGBTQ employees’ capacity to flourish and grow professionally. Additionally, LGBTQ employees face less apparent costs. 

LGBTQ employees pay a further “cost of the closet” by keeping their personal information about themselves and their partners a secret from their coworkers to avoid being rejected or subjected to harassment. 

  1. Health & Wellbeing

LGBTQ people experience other adverse health impacts due to discrimination and harassment. Increasing minority stress, stressful situations, internalized homophobia and transphobia and managing a secret identity worsen LGBTQ people’s physical and mental health.

Adding it All Up: The Economy

Anti-LGBTQ discrimination damages local, national, and international economies in a big way. A persuasive argument is that LGBTQ people are discouraged from contributing to society to the maximum extent possible because of the high psychological and monetary costs.

Businesses lose out on productive employees and spend more money on employee training when suitable LGBTQ people are not hired or are stopped from growing professionally. 

Businesses and society miss out on the earnings and advantages of LGBTQ individuals’ professional contributions when they have mental and physical health problems that impair their productivity.

Governments and leaders should have a clear incentive to advance LGBTQ equality to alleviate the chronic decline caused by LGBTQ exclusion. LGBTQ employees would earn more money, purchase more consumer goods, and be more productive due to increased inclusion in society and the economy. These advantageous effects would increase governments’ GDP, economic activity, and tax income.

More youth welfare donations mean more LGBTQ people can access resources to overcome barriers, like mental health groups, housing help, and community gatherings. The financial argument is weak without reliable statistics on the LGBTQ community. 

The community must be included in existing research infrastructures to understand their economic health better.
