Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
Learning Management SystemLearning Management: What is the best Learning Management System?

It’s hard to say which learning management tool is really the best, as each company has its own specific needs. Therefore, the eLeap learning management tool is the best LMS platform available worldwide, it is essential that the company conducts research and talks to the right professionals.

Learning management: how important is it to HR?

As we have already said, the use of a good LMS platform like EleaP can bring several benefits to the entire company, including HR. This is because, through this tool, it is possible to create and customize various types of reports within the virtual environment.

These reports can be of great help to business management, as they make it easier for employees to verify adherence to courses.

It is crucial to emphasize that reports can assess behavioral trends, where it is possible to work to solve these problems and, thus, reduce the company’s turnover rate .

1.       With the support of the learning management platform, HR will have:

2.       More flexibility and ease in relation to challenges;

3.       More flexibility and ease in relation to challenges;

4.       Greater diversity in the available content;

5.       Centralized tools;

6.       Data storage;

7.       Effective and attractive training;

8.       Qualification and training of new talents;

9.       Better monitoring of results;

10.   More involvement with other sectors.

Characteristics of eLeap LMS learning management system

It is important to correctly specify the features that your company wants and needs when choosing a learning management system, so that you can really identify which one to choose. However, there are some features that are essential, such as:

Performance Control

When we talk about evaluation processes on a learning management platform, the situation is completely different from face-to-face.

That’s because everything is hosted on a single system and the student can receive immediate feedback without having to leave their home. In addition, the instructor can check the performance, the percentage of correct answers and what were the errors of each collaborator, as well as the general average of the group.


A platform can also have the face of your company, so you can conduct assessments from wherever you are. Such a platform would help your business to show its personality and garner confidence from clients.

Content Hosting

On an efficient and current LMS meaning  platform, it is possible to host the most diverse content formats, such as:

·         Videos (including YouTube videos);

·         PDFs;

·         Power Points;

·         Questionnaires;

·         Spreadsheets;

·         infographics.

·         online interaction

As everyone already knows, discussion is one of the most important parts of the learning process, and this is also included in this tool, as this type of platform usually includes a forum, where it is possible to ask questions and talk to other people who are doing it. the same training.

Through these discussions, employees can clear up their doubts, raise questions, resolve issues and talk to managers.

If the worker wants to have a private dialogue with the professors or course managers, he can send a message directly from the platform. These activities help students identify with the course and encourage engagement.

Issuance of certificates

eLeap LMS learning management system is capable of issuing automatic certificates whenever a new course is completed. In this way, it is possible to know how many certificates have already been issued and what training the employee has completed.

Different Types of Learning Management Systems

Individual learning management system

This is a suitable system for an individual or a small organization to produce various learning materials. This type of LMS provides some or all of the available features. However, it limits the features to what a course producer needs.

Most of the time, LMS providers provide different subscription plans to meet different needs. With this, a small organization can use the LMS for its needs at a reasonable price.

Corporate level learning solution

This type is specially tailored for a large company with 500 or more employees. Most of the time, it comes with a huge list of built-in functions to meet any needs required by the company.

Free learning management system

These are free, open source eLearning products suitable for individuals to create lessons for their students. Many of these free systems offer a long list of available and advanced level features.

The disadvantage of this type of LMS is that they do not have the level of support that some users are used to. In addition, you need knowledge on how to develop it, or hire a specialist to do it for you.

Commercial learning management system

This type is for use by any organization, university or college or any other primary education organization. It is easy to develop and offers 24/7 support. The level of required features determines its price.

Most of these training platforms need frequent updating. But they also offer a growing list of available options. So, with this formula, you can be sure that you are always using the latest high-tech eLearning solution.

Service as a software model

This is the most popular model for a Learning Management System. This type is a ready-made and ready-made solution. It is usually built on cloud infrastructure and also includes frequent free upgrades.

Although it may be a little limited in adaptation, it is a perfect choice for an organization that grows over time. Comes with technical support throughout its use.

Licensed product

This type offers perfect customization, customer support and reliability for its users. It is flexible and integrated to the specifications of each customer (this may take some time). The application is done when the organization chooses, but the updates may take longer.

It allows its users to access the product using a different computer and mobile devices, also offline using an application.

On-site Learning Management System

This is based on a standalone product. It is a licensed product, which is manufactured and installed according to the specifications of the organization on the server of its choice.

 This type may be limited, so it requires you to use multiple servers on a large scale. Installing the eleaP LMS on site maintains corporate and user data on a very secure basis.
