Skin problems, these days, are affecting millions of people. These problems vary from dry skin to pimples. Getting rid of skin problems can require a great deal. The best way to deal with these problems is to prevent them. Because if these problems affect you, there will be side effects on your skin. And it will be easy for anyone to know that you have experienced pimples.
Acne is also another problem that is affecting a huge number of the population. According to a skin specialist in Faisalabad, many people, nowadays, are tending to find solutions for these problems such as acne and pimples. Usually, pimples appear on the face. Though they can appear on any part of the skin, but they become prominent when they appear on the face.
Going to a party or the office with a pimpled face can be really embarrassing because everyone first notices your face. There can also be a decline in your self-esteem if you go outside of your house with pimples on your face. Therefore, reducing the appearance of pimples on the face is a must for everyone.
However, if your pimples tend to appear then you will need to be cautious to get rid of them. It will not require much effort in reducing their severity. But you will take several steps to reduce these pimples, whether they are on your skin or any other part of the body.
Tips to Reduce Pimples
These tips for reducing pimples will work effectively for your skin. When you will use these tips, they will also play a role in maintaining your skin health:
- Turmeric and Honey
People, especially in the Indian subcontinent, are using turmeric for thousands of years to get many health benefits. But honey is a fluid that is commonly famous in every country of the world. The combination of turmeric and honey will miraculously work for your skin.
Consuming honey and eating turmeric will be equally effective for your skin. You can consume a spoonful of honey every day at any time. Adding turmeric to your cooking will improve your skin texture and leave positive benefits on your skin.
The anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric will help in shrinking the size of pimples on your skin. Regular consumption of turmeric will also help in reducing excessive oil production in the skin. As you know bacteria are the main culprits of many skin problems, including acne and pimples.
Bacteria in the skin will also reduce because there is a presence of antimicrobial properties in honey. You can take one tablespoon of honey and half a tablespoon of turmeric and mix them both into each other. Make your skin wet before applying this on your skin. You can put this mixture on for at least five minutes on your skin.
After rinsing your skin, there will be a change in your skin and you will immediately notice this sudden change in your skin.
- Stop Treating Pimples with Tea Tree Oil
People for many years are extracting tea tree oil from a plant that is native to Australia. This extract or tea tree oil is quite famous in many parts of the world for fighting bacteria as well as reducing inflammation in the skin.
No doubt, scientific studies are supporting the fact that tea tree oil can effectively reduce and stop bacteria growth in the skin. But one thing that most people don’t understand is that the use of tea tree oil can leave many adverse side effects on the skin. The use of tea tree oil can lead to many skin conditions such as skin irritation or dryness.
It is also important for you to note that tea tree oil is really potent and can cause irritation or redness if you directly apply this oil to your skin. Therefore, dermatologists recommend that first people need dilute tea tree oil with carrier oil to avoid any inconvenience.
If you are already using tea tree oil to reduce pimple severity, you need to stop using with without wasting a second.
- Multani Mitti
People, especially women are using Multani mitti to get healthy and glowing skin. In addition to getting healthy and glowing skin, it is also a great source of magnesium chloride. The presence of magnesium chloride in Multani mitti helps in getting rid of pimples and also plays a role in preventing breakouts.
Multani mitti is also famous in many countries for its deep cleansing properties. It effectively reduces and removes dirt from the skin and makes your skin impurity free. You can mix Multani mitti with simple water and apply it to your face to get effective benefits. To get more effective maximum effects, you can mix it in rose water and then apply it.