Wed. Feb 12th, 2025



Thank you kindly for your commitment with the SDK DevSupport stage! More than 220 dynamic clients on, are as of now sharing thoughts and aiding one another, which is incredible to see. We know some of you battle with approving your email which appears to get lost … we are exploring this issue.

Dev Mode


We fixed an accident that could happen while reloading resources.

In the Project Editor:

We currently forestall created air terminal bundle names from containing illicit characters.

We’re rolling out certain improvements on the various wizards, to characterize the bundle’s name after the meaning of the resources (ie: subsequent to picking an ICAO for an air terminal).

In the Scenery Editor:

We fixed an accident that could happen while reloading jetways.

We eliminated the phantom items that could stay in the wake of stacking a venture.

In the FX Editor:

We fixed the center that would reset when altering a hub in the nodegraph.

We fixed an accident when opening Items Tree without having chosen a hub in the nodegraph.

We fixed an accident that could happen when shutting the sim while FX were playing.

We currently uncover the particles’ tone.

Outsider UPDATE

Starting at 06/19, we have now endorsed 199 (+2) outsiders into the in-sim commercial center and – so far 108 (+2) have delivered 459 items (+24).

This week, large numbers of us were enchanted to attempt PMDG’s DC-6 … it’s an amazing plane. Extraordinary occupation by the group!

Altogether, 1,079 items (+16) have effectively been delivered in outsider stores and the in-sim commercial center. Past that, another 347 items (- 3) from outsider engineers are underway (215 reported, 132 unannounced). Altogether, more than 1,426 outsider items (+14) are either delivered or are being developed.

Air terminals:

899 air terminals (+12) are either delivered or are in different phases of improvement.

685 air terminals (+12) have been delivered on the stage so far in different stores.

384 air terminals (+20) have been delivered in the in-sim commercial center.

104 air terminals (+1) past the delivered air terminals have been declared.

110 air terminals (- 2) are not declared, yet the dev let us realize that an air terminal is underway.


167 airplanes (+1) are either delivered or are in different phases of improvement.

50 airplanes (+1) have been delivered on the stage so far in different stores.

29 airplanes (+1) have been delivered in the in-sim commercial center.

95 airplanes (- 1) past the delivered airplane have been declared.

22 airplanes (+1) are not declared, however the dev let us realize that an airplane is underway.


322 landscapes (+0) are either delivered or are in different phases of improvement.

306 landscapes (+2) have been delivered on the stage so far in different stores.

29 landscapes (+2) have been delivered in the in-sim commercial center.

16 landscapes (- 2) past the delivered view have been declared.

Mission Packs:

38 mission packs (+1) are either delivered or are in different phases of improvement.

38 mission packs (+1) have been delivered on the stage so far in different stores.

4 mission packs (+0) have been delivered in the in-sim commercial center.

0 mission packs (+0) past the delivered missions have been declared.

By admin