Ever since the pandemic happened in 2019, conversation about viruses has picked up as most people look into how to keep themselves safe. That is happening for the better because now everyone is trying their best to stay healthy.
Different people take measures such as vaccination, frequently washing hands, wearing masks, and staying away from the sick, among others to stay safe. However, these alone are not enough. You would also need to look at the air quality in your surroundings to protect yourself from viruses. Installing MERV 13 filter increases the efficiency of your HVAC system in keeping you safe during and after flu season. It does this by removing virus carriers from the air. Keep reading to find out how.
HVAC systems and viruses spread
One common question that troubles most people is whether or not your HVAC system can increase the spread of viruses. To answer this question, let us start with what we know.
The HVAC system is responsible for bringing in outdoor air and taking out an equal amount of indoor air. The purpose of this air exchange is to dilute and remove contaminants like emissions from people, chemical emissions in the building, and particles.
Air conditioning systems that have been properly maintained and operated should not increase the risk of virus transmission. However, fans should be avoided in collective places where several people are present.
Your HVAC system’s primary role is to ensure effective heating and cooling in your environment. Some of these systems include low MERV rating filters to provide some basic filtration roles. If you want more protection, you would have to look into whether or not to install the MERV 13 air filter.
Should I install an air filter in the HVAC system?
Installing MERV 13 air filters play a central role in protecting from viruses.
Just as the name suggests, airborne diseases are transmitted via air. When you cough, sneeze or exhale air, you release droplets referred to as respiratory droplets. The droplets contain particles that can remain suspended in the air for a long time, long after the moisture evaporates. These particles could sometimes be viruses and would cause illness when inhaled.
That is where air filters like the 20x20x1 air filter MERV 13 get an important role to play. The filters can trap the smallest particles in your air. This rating means they can filter particles smaller than those containing viruses such as the common cold, tuberculosis, chickenpox, and influenza. Even though the filter may not catch everything, it catches numerous particles that would have proven problematic to your loved ones.
Replacement of the filter
Installing the MERV 13 air filter does not mean everything stops there. You can take the next important step of ensuring this air filter is well maintained and replaced whenever necessary. Experts recommend that you change the MERV 13 every three months. However, you can consider changing every two months for effective filtration to ensure healthier and cleaner air in your living space.