Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Will it be easier to find a good job with a CCIE certificate? As we all know, as the most authoritative certification in the IT industry globally recognized, CCIE is the top certification in the global Internetworking field. If you successfully pass the CCIE certification and become a Cisco certified Internet expert, then of testcourse it is very easy to find a good job.

CCIE is a stepping stone for many network engineers to apply for jobs, and it is also a proof of their own skills. Judging from the current job recruitment information about network engineering on the Internet, many job requirements include CCIE. From this, it can be seen that CCIE certificate is quite importance for a network engineer. Passing the CCIE exam can help network engineers find jobs better.

The choice of the direction of CCIE is also very important for finding a job. Generally speaking, choosing some popular directions is also conducive to finding a job, such as the direction of routing and switching, because the direction of CCIE routing and switching is the basis of the network, and there are many Network engineers choose to take the first CCIE exam. Of course, the choice of direction depends on one’s own interests, and technical clearance is the key.

In the choice of enterprises, for fresh graduates, they can first work in integrators for 1-2 years, do after-sales work, accumulate project experience, and then have the following options: From after-sales to pre-sales, generally require strong language expression and communication skills; Integrator to Party A: The job is stable and comfortable, but the salary does not have much potential; the integrator to the manufacturer: the salary of the manufacturer is high, the treatment is good, and the requirements for employees are relatively high. Generally, employees are required to graduate from 211/985 university and Level 4 of English is required.

See Also: CCIE Security Certification in Frankfurt

There are some corresponding companies in different directions. SPOTO will give you a detailed introduction here.

The switch direction mainly includes Cisco, H3C, 3Com, Ruijie, Nortel, and Foundry; the router direction mainly includes Cisco (the earliest manufacturer of routers), Juniper, Huawei, Alang, Boda, Maipu; the security direction includes Cisco, Juniper, Tianrongxin, Neusoft, Lenovo Wangyu, Fortis, Amaranten, Nokia, checkpoint, H3C, Anshi, Sangfor, Array, Venus, radware; voice and video directions include Cisco, AVAYA, Tengbo TANDBERG, Polycom, SONY; wireless directions include Cisco (Aironet, Linksys), ARUBA, D-Link, Shenzhen Pulian TP-Link

Storage: EMC, IBM, HP; Broadband access directions include Huawei, UT Starcom, and Alan; F5 is mainly for content switching/load balancing/Netgear acceleration; software directions include Trend Micro, Symantec Symantec , Chinasoft, NSFOCUS; in the optical network direction, there are Huawei and ZTE; in the 3G direction, there are Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, ZTE, and Datang Mobile.

The ones presented here are relatively large companies, and network engineers actually have more choices.

In general, if you are a genuine CCIE, the job is of course easy to find, but if you only have one Paper, and have no real technical ability, it’s another matter, so the point is that you have both technical and certificate. Go to this site
