Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Upgrades are made for the preservation of relevance. And for a professional, upgrades can ensure the sustenance of a career. But the process of upgrading one’s skill set is time-consuming and sometimes requires financial and temporal sacrifices. Thus the very expensive process of upgrading must be undertaken with caution and efficient calculations. The skills one is looking forward to acquiring through investments and hard work must be of importance and must remain relevant for a long time to come. Only then, the toil and stress can be justified and progress can be ascertained. For tech professionals and engineers, an upgrade with studies in artificial intelligence is a lucrative proposition. Given the flourishing of AI institutes in India and the demand for automation raging around. Being an AI professional is nothing less than great. And for the ones already adept with artificial intelligence, the time is just right for taking an important step towards finesse. 

Why AI institutes in India?


Education is mostly free in India and till a certain point, students are supported by governments with all kinds of amenities. The courses in India are equivalent to world-class courses and are taught by excellent faculties. The progress of AI research in India is also astonishingly fast. Living costs in an average Indian city are somewhat lower than in major cities and population centres around the world. Students in India are among the most pampered components of society and relevant people with relevant skills can always command respect in Indian society. 


India is the world’s fastest-growing economy. And more efficient public and private sectors are the inevitable future. Eradication of Human error from day-to-day processes is of the essence and automation can grant this ability. In India, the implementation of automation on a larger scale can raise ethical lightning rods, due to the prospects of sudden hikes in unemployment. But the sacrifice is negligible in front of the gains we can make from this implementation. Thus an AI professional in India is expected to be a very important professional, wielding relevant skills and harnessing the power of automation for the progress of India. 

A student looking forward to enrolling in AI institutes in India will never be disappointed due to the abundance of training and skill development opportunities. Tech startups are nothing new in India and more are emerging every other day. An AI professional can easily get access to lucrative internships and fulfilling jobs that can bolster their resume. 

Implementation of AI in India

Management of traffic 

In India, the major cities are infested with uncontrollable traffic. In many important cities like Mumbai and Hyderabad, traffic is one of the biggest issues that a pedestrian or driver faces on a day-to-day basis. Automated traffic control systems are thus the need of the hour. It helps in protecting human resources and assets on the ground and increases the value of human labour. A traffic management AI is generally equipped with motion sensors and text recognition systems. In some advanced systems, the AI can be equipped with cameras able to support facial recognition systems as well. Thus a rogue vehicle can be spotted and prosecuted from a longer distance than before. Without any human involvement.

Commercial sector

  • Artificially intelligent chatbots are being extensively used for customer support.
  • Automation tools are helping in handling large amounts of data. Automation is essential for predicting the outcome of decisions that are important for a venture. 
  • Automation and especially deep learning tools are being used in the marketing of a product
  • Server maintenance and other routine mundane works are being outsourced to artificially intelligent entities. Saving human resources and eradicating human errors from the process.


In the healthcare sector, AI is being utilized for the analysis of medical and historical data for the development of personalized medicine and therapies. A well-trained artificial intelligence tool can detect path-histologies and even dermatological inconveniences by image processing. Furthermore, AI is being actively used for the delivery of remote diagnosis and early alarm systems for at-risk patients. 

Disaster management

Today, thanks to the abundance of data, we can predict natural calamities and disasters before their onset. And based upon data from past events the amount of damage and risk can be assessed with unprecedented finesse. Thus the implementation of AI and automation tools in disaster management is saving a lot of lives from regular earthquakes, fires, avalanches and storms.