Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Words have significance. We connect with one another through words, and good communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. We can spread positive, life-enhancing concepts like love, grace, truth, and forgiveness through the words we use. We have the power to comfort, encourage, reprimand, and uplift others with our words. Alternatively, we can speak lies or with malice, manipulate people or try to bring them down. Our interpersonal interactions and the smooth operation of society both heavily depend on how we communicate with one another. But more importantly, our words matter to God.

Some people think that the uttered word itself possesses some kind of mystical power. Speaking things out loud can have a certain psychological benefit, and as we’ve demonstrated, what we say has immense power, but the phonological structure and mechanical processes involved in speech have no inherent power. The meaning that words express and the impact they have on the human heart are what give words their power. The ability to speak is a special and potent gift from God. It is not given to everyone but to his chosen people. One such person is Prophet Allen Tracy.

Prophet Tracy believes that the way the world learns about Christ also comes from our words. Our words ought to be a reflection of His nature and His truth. In light of the fact that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” How would they then invoke him whom they have rejected? And how are they supposed to trust someone they have never heard of? And without someone preaching, how are they supposed to hear? And without being sent, how are they supposed to preach?

Prophet Tracy has served the Lord in several different capacities over the last years as a teacher and evangelist with an apostolic/prophetic calling to proclaim the gospel through the Internet. Words carry great weight and meaning, so He wants us to use them wisely. When we are saved, God gives us a new heart. Our words should reflect the change that has occurred in us. The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Cooke Revivals’ mission statement calls for the presentation of Christian truth in a persuading, current, and helpful manner. They exist to offer biblical solutions to the many issues that arise in life. By spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the public, we hope to contribute to the transformation of the world. Our goal is to illuminate the truth of God’s Word on the doubts, problems, conflicts, and controversies that arise within the Christian faith. The authority of God’s Word, in our opinion, is compelling. The majority of our concerns, problems, struggles, and disagreements would go away if we could all really and fully submit to the truth of God’s Word. God’s Word does not directly address every situation we face in life, but it does contain truth that can apply to anything and everything we deal with. The most powerful weapon in your arsenal is prayer.  It is not the complicated thing that many people make it out to be.  Prayer is simply talking to God.  It is His greatest longing and desire.  You can worry, or you can pray.  It is your choice. As pastors and teachers of the Word of God at Cooke Revivals, they developed a Prophetic School, Elisha Training Centre, and taught and disciplined many students that graduated and went on to serve in various ministry capacities. Prophet Tracy has ministered to the nations delivering the Word of God to His people for over 30 years! Prophet Tracy operates in the Five Fold Ministry and has a love for God’s people all over the world with nothing more than the desire to serve God and bring people to the Lord through his spiritual gifting.

According to Prophet Tracy, Christians say that they are not perfect; they are guilty before a holy, just God who desires perfection. Here is the problem. The problem is while we are saved by faith alone in Christ that faith will result in obedience and good works. The ministry has met many people who use nobody’s perfect excuse to rebel against God. The truth is that God loves us regardless of the person we are, and he wants us to come back to him in order to heal. The words that have been given to us by God are the most significant ones. Jesus is both God’s Word and human. To reflect the Word, which is Christ, we must value the actual words of God.

The goal and strategy God has for you are the best things there are. If this message has been a blessing to you and you would want to receive more, joining their cause for the revival of the land would enable you to do so.

By Syler