Legal advice consists of one thing while legal information consists of an entirely different thing. The very definition of legal advice versus information easily discerns why giving away legal information is far preferable to giving away legal advice. This article outlines the definition of these two terms in detail:
According to the Practice of Law as defined by the American Bar Association, providing legal advice or preparing documents that affect legal rights or duties is what constitutes legal advice. For those who reside in Florida, this includes “giving legal advice and counsel to others as to their rights and obligations under the law and the preparation of legal instruments”. These instruments include contracts by which rights are secured.
Every state has state-specific laws and regulations that are regularly updated in order to provide the most accurate legal advice. Legal advice that is ‘homegrown’ can often be inaccurate and thus, dangerous to the recipient regardless of whether it is well-meaning or not. Similar to how an amateur masseuse can damage your back.
You should use this website for further information and an instant case evaluation of your specific needs.
Professional legal advice costs money as those administering the advice have spent numerous dollars conducting studies and training in order to be able to do so. Thus, this advice comes at a price, however, so does everything in life. The cost is specific to each person’s individual case. More often than not, it will take an attorney to be able to understand specific laws and apply those guidelines to your individual needs when providing advice.
In contrast, legal information is defined as “facts provided or learned about something or someone”. In this sense, it is more factually specific. In the legal sense, legal information is a term that can apply to all those who are experiencing the need for legal assistance that is resolute. For instance, if you reside in Florida and you need to receive child support for your children, you will need to complete a qualifying means test which can be easily obtained online.
This legal information is easily obtained for free. Thus, anyone who needs to determine whether or not they are eligible to receive any child support will be able to access this free legal information. Accessing legal information is highly useful in determining what type of legal issue an individual may have.
These legal statutes are informative and available online to be read by all. These documents give highly detailed guidelines for those who are determining legal outcomes on general issues such as wills, dissolution of marriage, and bankruptcy.
Courthouses can also access legal pamphlets that help to explain specific legal procedures including the steps required to obtain a legally binding divorce. As mentioned, information needs to be of a beneficial nature to those who want to obtain a better understanding of their issues. This information is not outlined to be specific to any one individual case or to determine the final outcome of any specific need.
In addition, any legal information or forms that are used within legal proceedings can be accessed online before being downloaded and completed. This saves an abundance of time and more often than not, attorney fees.
To conclude, the main difference between professional legal advice and legal information is that the latter is defined as “facts provided or learned about something or someone” whereas the former is far more generalized advice. While attorneys will charge for legal advice, this may not always be in your best interest and you should bear this in mind.
However, the vast majority of attorneys will have trained for years in order to practice law. Thus, the advice that they are giving will usually be in your best interests as they will have a deepened insight into the course of action that should be taken in your individual situation.
Legal information can easily be obtained online through a number of legal pamphlets. You will also be able to access legally binding forms online that can enable you to apply for child support. Thus, legal information can be defined as resolute information that can be accessed to assist you in your legal case and individual situation.
You should bear in mind that legal information is still generalized and does not determine the specific outcome of any individual case. Thus, you should use legal information as a means of understanding your case better, as opposed to being a resolute answer to whatever legal scenario you are facing. It is advisable to read the legal information and obtain legal advice in order to have a better understanding of how to proceed as a whole.