Digital Signature is a Mathematical Techniques that certifies the veracity of any message or document sent online on the Internet to who has sent this document or this message and this message has not changed. Just as the signature on a paper tells us that the information written on the paper has been read by the signer and is correct, similarly Digital Signature also assures us that the document or message sent is sent by the same Sender. Whom do you know or from whom you asked for your document?
Digital signature is the public key issue of message authentication. In today’s world of science, it is common to use hand written signature on hand written or typed messages. These are used to bind the message to the signer.
Similarly, digital signature is a technique that binds a person or entity to digital data. This bond can be verified independently by the receiver as well as by any third party.
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In today’s time, the receiver of the message needs assurance that the message is about to be sent and should not be able to abrogate the origin of that message. This requirement is very important in business applications because the possibility of conflicting on the exchanged data is very high. It also includes authentication functions for additional capabilities. A digital signature should not only be for the signature user but also on the message.
There are several reasons for implementing digital signature for communication Authentication Digital signatures help authenticate the sources of messages. For example, if the branch office of a bank sends a message to the central office, it requests a change in the balance of an account. Once the message is signed, any change in the message will invalidate the signature.
Non Repudiation
If any institution has signatures on some information on a property, which cannot be later denied to sign on it.
Digital signature protection
The security of digital signature is very strong, in paper you can copy someone’s signature, but you cannot copy digital signature. Whenever you do Digital Signature, at that time you get a Private Key and a PIN as long as it is with you then your Digital Signature is safe. Because when the Private Key is generated, it is kept in Compliant Cryptographic Token and Cryptographic Token never comes out from here, so it is much safer than the Signature done on paper.
How Digital Signature Works
Digital signatures are based on asymmetric cryptography which means that information can be shared using a Public Key cryptography and uses both Public and Private Keys to encrypt and decrypt data. These two keys are not equal. A Public Key can be shared with everyone and Private Key is known only to the user.
To understand this in easy words, we can say that Public Key is an Email ID that can be shared openly and you can compare Private Key to the password of an Email ID which has to be kept secret. One has to be very careful to store the Private Key in a safe place because there is no way to retrieve the Private Key once it is lost.
When it comes to blockchain, digital signature is one aspect that ensures the security and integrity of the data written in the blockchain. Digital signatures are used to secure transactions and prevent external tampering. Digital signatures use asymmetric cryptography which means that cryptocurrency information can be shared with everyone using Public Key.
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The secret of the important success of the bitcoin protocol is considered to be bitcoin digital signature and its verification process. The person who sent the message of bitcoin transaction should have the corresponding Private Key, which confirms that he is the owner of bitcoin. This allows anyone in the network to verify the resulting transaction.
Public key and Private key
Asymmetric cryptography uses two mutual authentication cryptography keys. Public key and private key are simply very large and irregular numbers. The Sender on the network creates a Private key and a Public key. They both sign the message containing the signature digital signature and send their transaction messages using the public key. Each transaction in a peer-to-peer network is validated by each node. Each node or receiver of the message then examines the transaction using the Public key and verifies that the sender is real using elliptical curves and complex modular arithmetic.
The sender will encrypt the message using his private key and in case of bitcoin network sends it to the public key. The node or receiver of the message uses the verification algorithm to check that the message is signaled by the sender and that the node is a valid user and the holder of the private key for the sent public key. Digital signatures are thus authenticated and used to secure transactions.
Advantages of Digital Signature which are as follows –
Digital Signature is linked with Private Key and no one else can use it. This helps to know who is the real owner of the document.
If a person performs digital signature in a document, then he cannot retract later that this signature is not his or he cannot say that the signature is fake.
If any small tempering is done in it, then it becomes known and it is very difficult to copy it or say that it is impossible.