Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Acoustic cradles are a variety of acoustic flooring that remove the issue of cambered, stepped, or uneven subfloors, both internally and externally. 

The system creates a resilient timber floating floor with access for services below and improved resistance to the transmission of airborne and impact sounds, with or without the acoustic quilt between the battens. 

Are acoustic cradles suitable for your project? Read on to find out today. 

Who might need an acoustic cradle system? 

Acoustic cradle systems are predominantly designed to level out uneven concrete or timber subfloors and provide an acoustic timber floating floor. 

They are also beneficial specifically for buildings that are being retrofitted or refurbished, or for buildings that require raised floors. 

Retrofitting and refurbishment 

Acoustic cradles are perfect for retrofitting or refurbishing older buildings because they are more likely to have uneven floors due to warping or archaic building methods. 

To work around this, you can install adjustable cradles, easily and quickly creating level floors with increased acoustic control. 

The improved durability under such conditions also ensures it will be a long-lasting solution, perfect for developers watching their bottom line.  

Raised floors

Acoustic cradles are also ideal for projects that have a large number of services that need to be installed below the floor, or that need a raised floor system. 

As the floor level can be easily and simply raised by stacking the interlocking cradles, risers, and shims, large services including HVAC, plumbing, heated flooring pipework, or custom electrics can be installed below the floor with or without acoustic quilting and insulation. 

How do acoustic cradles work? 

Acoustic cradles work by interlocking an acoustic-level pod cradle system. 

Each acoustic cradle includes a four- part system that when used throughout the room cradles the battens, allowing you to lay your flooring on top, safe in the knowledge that it is perfectly level. 

  1. A 10mm acoustic pad sits on the subfloor, providing the base for the cradle system. 

This sole contact point acoustically isolates the level pod cradle system from the rest of the construction and provides resistance for the transmission of impact sounds. 

  1. You then install an interlocking riser and level pod cradle, which fits neatly over the acoustic pad. 

These level pod cradles can be stacked with the interlocking riser to relevel the underlayment, especially useful if one side of the room is bowed and the other not. 

Made from precision moulded, recycled polypropylene, the level pod cradle is used to support battens up to 48mm wide, which go on to support the flooring deck. 

Impact and airborne sound are much reduced by acoustically isolating the bearing surface from the subfloor. 

  1. 2mm packing shims are stacked on the top of the level pod cradle.

These 2mm shims give increased flexibility in final height adjustments, allowing the battens to be increased in 2mm increments if needed, to create a level floor. 

  1. Acoustic quilts can be added.

At this point, according to the specification of your building, acoustic quilting can now be laid between the battens, covering essential services, if it is required, as you can see below. 

Other services can also be brought in now to complete their installations before acoustic quilting is laid over the top. 

Are there other benefits of an acoustic cradle system? 

Popular with clients renovating existing structures and new build sites, acoustic cradles have a wide range of benefits including their capacity to level floors. 

These include: 

  • Compliance with the requirements of Approved Document E (England and Wales) and Section 5 in Scotland. 
  • Compliance with Robust Details FFT-2 resilient cradle and batten system
  • Simple, easy-to-use system
  • Cost-effective option
  • Sustainable option, as it is made from recycled materials and FSC-certified timber building products

Contact the acoustic flooring experts 

JCW Acoustic Flooring is a specialist installer of acoustic flooring, delivering solutions that meet or exceed Robust Details and Approved Document E. If you need more friendly, expert assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our knowledgeable team for advice on the best products for your needs. You can call us on 01204 548 400 or fill in our enquiry form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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