Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Twibbonize assemble web applications that everybody can appreciate.

On each progression of the turn of events, we generally consider how everything clients can appreciate utilizing Twibbonize. So, we need to give the most ideal programming experience that even individuals who have never had gotten to the web would think that its valuable.

Simply a lot of children messin’ around.

Mulqan and Fokker are yet to complete their professional education, while Nino has quite recently graduated a couple of months prior. We’re presumably excessively youthful for this pitiless world, yet luckily, we have Harry whom consistently prepared to direct us.

We are working completely distant up until this point; Fokker (Bekasi, Indonesia) and Nino (Bogor, Indonesia) are living on two distinct urban areas, that are on an alternate island from Mulqan’s (Banda Aceh, Indonesia), while Harry is living huge number of miles away in the opposite side of the world (Washington D.C., United States).

By admin