Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

Modern marketing and sales companies have suddenly become so much savvy with their data management processes and techniques. There is so much more clarity and effectiveness in the way data is passed from one team to another, and finally, this is observed as a final result when marketing and sales teams interact with their customers. In the last 5 years, we have seen a rapid rise in the use of business intelligence software that provides different kinds of analytics in the form of an “as a service” solution. 

In this article, we picked the top business analytics domains where b2b marketing and sales executives are utilizing this software to improve overall effectiveness. 

Business Process Management Optimization

The world of Business process management or BPM is so much exciting. With so many certified professionals making it big in the industry with their certification from leading courses on business analytics, BPM requires optimization or stack modifications to bring all the tools under one roof. This process is not particularly easy for the marketing and sales teams as it requires a very strong understanding of how statistical tools and dashboards work in sync to optimize each and every task over a period of time. 

In BMP optimization, we will find new opportunities to improve the way analytics solutions are used for finding out the duration, status, or time of each operation spread over different processes. If you are handling core KPIs for marketing and sales functions, there is no way you could be ignoring Business Process Management Optimization.

Predictive Intelligence

Did you know that all e-commerce companies now use predictive intelligence to personalize experiences and deliver relevant product catalogs to the online shoppers without letting the customer know how different marketing tactics are enabling them to make a great purchase? 


This is happening in 34% of the shopping outcomes where the customer has purchased a good online solely based on predictive intelligence used by marketing and sales teams. In the B2B market, particularly in the IT and software industry, predictive intelligence has generated more than 40 percent more revenue for users in comparison to non-users.

So, what’s really happening with predictive intelligence today, and why has it become so important to learn predictive intelligence in courses on business analytics?

For a very long, predictive was considered as a black box in the business intelligence domain. But now, things are getting a real move on with the maturing artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. Clearly, business analysts from leading courses are working extensively on modeling of predictive intelligence to unbox the real value hidden in historical data and use cutting edge Machine learning to drive the value to Marketing and Sales teams.

How do marketing and sales teams use B2B predictive intelligence?

In a modern context, predictive intelligence is based on different analytical techniques, such as sentiment analysis, social media intelligence, CRM data, customer data, call center information, email marketing data, and others, including unconventional medium such as logbooks, physical contact forms, and so on. In each case of marketing and sales, data analysts gather data and club them as customer data, opportunity data, etc to create favorable conditions for marketing and sales teams to trigger a purchase.

We are hearing so much about trigger data, and intent data these days that it has become absolutely necessary to keep investing more time and resources in training with predictive analytics and see them in action in every way possible. This is possible when you train with the best analysts at work or with trainers during projects or lab simulations conducted by the leading courses on business intelligence.

Embedded analytics

Software companies are adding analytics in their suites to ensure Marketing and Sales have zero problems when driving analysis from their software investments. A great example of this application is found in the Marketing Automation cloud which integrates marketing analysis of each of its tools and features in one embedded version. This not only saves cost for users but also sync data to empower marketers with a unified view.

Generally, the marketing and sales team would use different business analytics tools for their functions but it has been observed that this causes disparity in the final outcomes as far as analysis of the same group of customers or markets is concerned. So, a new field has emerged in this domain. It’s called unified marketing and sales analysis, and modern solutions such as customer data management platforms or CDPs are getting wide scale attention from B2B marketing and sales companies.