Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Google EAT mechanism


The Google EAT algorithm is the latest algorithm update by Google, used to filter out low-quality content and ranking spammers. This new algorithm is an improved version of the Panda Algorithm, which Google previously used to filter out low-quality content.

The main aim of Google EAT is to filter out websites using duplicate or copied content on their website. Google also uses this new algorithm to identify websites using keyword stuffing techniques to rank high on search engine results page (SERP).

What is the Google EAT algorithm, and how did it change the SEO industry?

The Google EAT algorithm is one of the most important things to happen to SEO. It’s called EAT because it ranks websites based on their “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust” metrics. Those are three of the most critical factors in search engine optimization (SEO) that Google looks at when ranking sites.

Google made a change that would cause an SEO company to freak out. They said they’d be looking more at user experience, meaning they’d be favoring sites that are easy to use over sites with keyword stuffing on every page. That’s not exactly what happened, but it was close.

The EAT algorithm combined with the Panda update caused a lot of confusion for many website owners who found their website rankings dropped after implementing best practices for SEO.

With this update, Google essentially stopped looking at keywords as the primary ranking factor. Instead, they started rewarding sites that looked like they would provide a great user experience to their visitors and penalizing those that didn’t. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and keep your business moving forward, you must understand how this algorithm works and how it will impact your website in the future.

What do we mean by ‘link profile’, and why is it important for SEO?

A link profile, often referred to as a backlink profile, collects all links pointing to your website. The quality of these links (and, therefore, the quality of your profile) significantly impacts how you rank.

Google EAT mechanism and why is it important for SEO


 While it may seem like common sense to build links with high-quality websites, many businesses still take shortcuts in their link building efforts. These include buying links from sketchy vendors or participating in link schemes that provide no real value to users or customers. Because these links do not offer any real value to users, they are considered “low-quality” by Google and negatively impact SEO efforts.

Understanding the importance of social signals and how to get them for your blog or website

Social signals are essential for SEO. Google has gotten better at crawling and indexing social media sites, but there’s still a lot of information that is not available to Google.

 Google EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust) mechanism is available to determine how reputable a website or page is in the eyes of the experts.

 When someone links to your blog or website from their website, it counts as endorsing your site’s expertise, authority and trustworthiness. This kind of backlink is called an “inbound link.” The more inbound links you have pointing to your site, the better you’re likely to rank in Google.

 Social Media optimization is becoming increasingly important for SEO because it helps you get more social signals for your content. These social signals are backlinks from various websites, which act as “votes” for your content. The more votes your content gets (from both humans and other websites), the more likely it will be to show up in Google’s Top 10 search results. 

Up until now, links from social media sites haven’t been counted as links from expert websites according to the Google EAT algorithm. But that’s changing now that Google has crawled and indexed more data from Twitter and Facebook.

The factors that impact your EAT Score

The EAT score is a fundamental metric in the Google ranking algorithm. This score is a way for Google to measure your relevance, authority and trust. Some people even consider it as a sort of PageRank that you can pass to other websites. It means that you can give some of your EAT Scores from one website to another, but not all of it.

 The EAT score is based on the following factors:

  1. Authority of your website
  2. The number of posts you have on your blog
  3. How many people are linking to your website
  4. The number of domains that link back to your website
  5. Your Google +1 activity
  6. The number of followers you have on social media channels
  7. Your backlinks profile (the quality and quantity)

8 . The number of spammers links pointing to your site (link bombs, link schemes, etc.)

 Your EAT score is a reflection of how trustworthy and relevant Google perceives your site to be. In turn, this impacts how high your site ranks in search results. If you’re a local business with many clients in a specific locality, for instance, Google sees this as being more relevant than a business with the same amount of traffic from around the world. The more localized traffic you have, the higher your EAT Score will be.

Describe how using the EAT mechanic makes your page stand out

One of the essential elements for search engines to rank a web page is ensuring that the website is updated, fresh, and relevant with the latest content. There are many ways to tell search engines whether or not your site is updated often or even if it is updated at all.

A unique title tag is one way that search engines will know that your web page has recently been updated.

With Google’s Enhanced Article Tagging (EAT), they can identify which pages on your website have been updated more recently than others. EAT allows Google to see which pages on your site are new or updated so they can better understand what you are trying to achieve on the web.

The primary purpose of EAT is to help Google identify new articles on websites to be added to their index quicker than older articles. EAT makes this possible because Google will see when a recent report has been published and update its index accordingly. This method will allow them to index content much quicker than through traditional methods. 

Another critical aspect of EAT is that using the structured data on websites will help improve the overall speed of delivery for search engines like Google and Bing.


This new Google EAT Algorithm focuses on the quality of the content and not on the number of backlinks. The idea behind this is that backlinks can be obtained easily by anyone with black hat SEO techniques. Hence it does not serve as a good measurement of website quality.

This new algorithm will help rank websites with high-quality content that serves readers. Websites that use manipulative techniques like keyword stuffing will be demoted or completely deranked in SERPs, ultimately rewarding websites that create good quality content.

Also read: Local SEO: Never Missed Opportunities On Your Dental Practice

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