The best congratulations phrases for New Year to send by WhatsApp
The New Year has a special charm for most of us. It is an opportunity to propose new goals and challenges for the coming year, but also to reflect on how lucky we are to treasure wonderful people in our lives. Many of them have walked alongside us throughout the year that is ending, either by our side or from a distance, and they have celebrated our successes and supported our failures. And this is a good time to tell them how much we care about them.
However, being original and not falling into clichés around this time is not always so simple. Sometimes, we simply cannot think of a funny or profound phrase to send by WhatsApp to that person who is not by our side on Neujahrswünsche. For this reason, we propose a compilation of some short, beautiful and sincere phrases that you can send to the people who matter most to you on these dates.
A hearty congratulations to outstanding pals!
A greeting of good wishes for the new year is always required, especially when we have our families and friends. Here are some possibilities.
- May this new year’s wish help you recover the delights of childhood, the pleasures of youth, and the serenity of home. Happy New Year to you!
- This is a very unique greeting that I’d like to send to all of my pals throughout the world to wish them a Happy New Year! and give them a big hug through the distance.
- It’s the perfect moment to send each other good wishes, love, and peace. These are my New Year’s wishes for you, dear friends.
- I wish you a fantastic new year, and that our connection may endure forever.
- My greatest hopes for you and your family this New Year are that happiness may abound in your home. You are a supporter of those who contribute positively to society.
For our relatives
In a moment of celebration like this, we can’t forget to wish them the best because the family always accompanies us in our challenging times:
- Happy New Year, everyone! Some of us may be reunited with our families at home, while others will follow us from a distance and share the same sense of serenity and love. The whole family will rejoice in coming together with the same sense of peace and goodwill.
- I would request that you may have this evening be a night of peace and love for all of us, allowing us to enjoy greater togetherness.
- It would be fantastic to be able to bring the whole family together, but those of us who will be present wishing each other a happy new year will be conveying our best wishes to others across the world. Wishing you a prosperous New Year and many more!
- Let us rejoice in the fact that all of our family members are with us on this special day, and they will receive many blessings to those who are far away. Wishing you a happy new year to everyone!
- We will never be too far apart, not in this day and age when it is Christmas, and we miss you so much. Happy New Year to you!
Those who have difficulty should be congratulated.
We’ve all had a tough time at some point in our lives, and a few words of encouragement may be enough to get us back on our feet. A wonderful New Year’s wish might be more vital than you think, and here are a few suggestions:
- It’s true that time goes by and the family shrinks, but I believe they would have wanted us to have a peaceful New Year.
- May your life be blessed with warmth and good will this Holy Season, and throughout the year.
- Warmest wishes and best wishes for a fantastic new year. Always keep peace, love, and money in your life.
- Come and spend the New Year with me! The only thing you’ll recall in the future is these pleasant and new experiences. Allow me to welcome you back to my company!
- If this date holds unpleasant memories for you, I ask you to come with me and build new experiences. Today is the start of a new year, and all that should fill our hearts and minds is love and harmony!
- For a joyful present and a cherished previous. Best wishes for a wonderful New Year, and thank you!
- I’d like to wish you a happy new year and thank you for being part of my life. Even if we are thousands of miles apart, you are always in my thoughts. I wish you a wonderful new year filled with joy, love, and happiness!
Your coworkers also deserve a dedication
We spend the most of our time at work, therefore we cannot forget about those coworkers with whom we share every day:
- May the approaching New Year bring you and your loved ones happiness, optimism, and peace. Warm wishes!
- Greetings to you, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. I wish you all the best, and want to wish you peace of mind.
- I wish you and your family a healthy, prosperous, and happy New Year. To all those who have goodwill in their life, and may peace and love reign in their hearts.
- I wish you a wonderful new year, and I hope that every day you wake up with the optimism that tomorrow will be better.
- May your heart and home be filled with all of the good things about the season.
- I wish that the light of Christmas might illuminate the hearts of all people, leading us into a new year filled with love and good wishes.
- I wish for love, pleasure, and serenity to reign in your family. Have a wonderful New Year!
The end of the year is coming, and with it the traditional New Year greetings. Fortunately, thanks to technology, we can send a message of love to our friends and family through the most popular social networks or major messaging services. However, it’s not always inspiring to write New Year’s greetings, especially when we have to write so much and focus in such a short amount of time. See more photos and best quotes from 2022 at the homepage