Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Simple Tool To Help Grow Your Instagram AccountSimple Tool To Help Grow Your Instagram Account

Creating and maintaining multiple Instagram accounts is not an easy job. Besides filling registration forms with unique information, you also have to post original content and answer messages on a regular basis. Keeping up with your progress while logging in to every account separately is a huge hassle.

Performing everything manually demands too much time, so using Instagram automation is the only viable option. But there’s a catch here as well – most of the available services are complicated, and it’s not easy to use them.

Enter Ingramer

Ingramer (also known as Inflact) is a service allowing Instagrammers to attract followers and manage profiles in an effective and simple way. It uses bots to imitate organic user behavior and accomplish time-consuming tasks with ease. You can control up to 10 accounts without contacting customer support for more access.

You won’t get overwhelmed because everything is organized quite neatly. Ingramer has a convenient dashboard with all the statistics you need. You can see the progress on followers, likes, how many stories you watched and more.

Such a summary is provided for every account, so it’s easy to decide what actions need to be taken further. Additionally, you can manage message requests and comments in the same dashboard.

Ingramer comes with a lot of features in one place but using all of them is not for everyone. For this reason, Ingramer works in a modular way. You can pick one of the available modules or all of them and pay only for the features you actually use. Here are the modules currently available:

  • Promo – automatic following and liking
  • Direct – bulk messaging
  • Scheduled posting – automatic posting
  • Hashtag generator – hashtag creation and trend following

A modular approach is not only flexible financially but also easy to use as the interface is not overcrowded with features you do not need. Still, an explanation is useful before buying, so let us dive into all the packages one by one.


Promo is a package of essential tools for the growth of your Instagram page. The two main functions it includes are automatic liking and smart following.

Liking ensures that you can target posts of your followers and like them automatically. You only get what you give, so liking posts of others is the only sure way to get likes back.

A similar strategy is employed by some with following – you only follow those who follow you back. However, it might attract the attention of Instagram’s moderators, which could result in a suspension. Therefore, Ingramer allows following with time, engagement, and other criteria.


The module Direct includes tools helping you to interact with your audience, including chat capabilities and bulk messaging. It allows you to write and react to your followers in all accounts from one dashboard.

The essence of this service is message automation capabilities. You can send a welcome message to every new follower or any other mass message to a needed group of them. Responses themselves can be customized by adding tags and labels.

It is an invaluable tool transforming Instagram into a convenient sales tool for your company. If your goal is not only to gain followers but positively interact with them, definitely grab this package.

Scheduled posting

It is a no brainer that most of the time managing your Instagram profile will be spent on producing posts. While scheduling them won’t cut the time of production, it will definitely help with your consistency.

Every post can be planned even a month in advance, so it will be hardly possible to miss something. It is especially important in the eyes of Instagram’s algorithms that require you to keep up with the consistency of your posts.

You can schedule everything – photos, stories, videos or carousels. Just upload it in advance to Ingramer, add required tags with locations, and it will be done at your chosen time. If you are not sure when that is, Ingramer can automatically suggest one.

Hashtag generator

Last but certainly not least useful are the functions for hashtag management. Based on the information you provide, Ingramer will provide generated hashtag suggestions. You can input keywords, images or even website links. No post will be without a hashtag.

However, no hashtag lasts forever. Popularity trends change, and you need to be able to adapt. Trending hashtag targeting will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse and drive relevant traffic to your profile.

You can search for up to five keywords in many languages and compare them. Choose the most popular ones from the database that is constantly updated. These features are a game-changer for posting on Instagram.

Drawbacks of Ingramer

While Ingramer is a powerful tool, nothing is without flaws. Before making your purchase, you should be ready to cope with a couple of drawbacks.

Ingramer is an expensive purchase. You will be charged for every account you add, and it is not a one time purchase but a subscription. The free trial does not help much because the number of available features is limited. However, using Ingramer with more accounts makes it more cost-effective.

Your account might be banned. As with all similar services, it is against the rules of Instagram. You need to act carefully – imitate organic activity and shield your IP with a proxy. Ingramer takes no responsibility if your account is banned, as per their terms of service.

You have to make some preparations. Ingramer won’t automate completely new accounts – they are too risky and likely to get banned for using a bot. For this reason, there is an activity requirement for users.

The account must be public, and the oldest post must be more than 14 days ago. Additionally, you should already have engaging content aimed at the right audience in at least 12 of your previous posts.


For some, the drawbacks are too much to bear. But for those who are determined in their Instagram ventures, Ingramer is a must-have tool!

By admin