Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

A receding hairline is something that most people consider less appealing whether you’re male or female. Though it commonly occurs as people progress towards their golden years, it can be experienced by many young adults as well. This is why there is a huge market for different types of products that can address thinning and hair loss. Though having a receding hairline does not mean you have less volume, it is still commonly associated with thinning and hair loss.

When it comes to men, reaching a certain age may cause your hairline to recede. Though this does not exactly mean that you’re on the verge of balding, it can be an early manifestation of male pattern baldness. Women, on the other hand, may experience a loss of volume during the post-menopausal stages. However, female hairlines generally do not recede the same way as men and it does not commonly lead to female-pattern baldness.

Many similar factors can affect the quality of hair for both men and women. Though they generally do not manifest in the same way physically, the process is usually slow and gradual. This is why addressing the issue early on might be the ultimate ticket to prevention. Knowing the main cause of your receding hairline can help in terms of finding a solution.

Common Causes of Hair Loss and Receding Hairline

  • Hormone Fluctuations
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Medications
  • Aging
  • Certain Medical Conditions

Treatment Options

If the cause of hair loss or receding hairline is due to superficial factors that can be addressed through lifestyle interventions, medical practitioners would advise the patient to practice healthy living. There are many kinds of foods that are known to aid the stimulation of hair follicles. Numerous types of treatments can also be considered as an option for thinning or receding hairline.

3 Types of Food for Thinning or Receding Hairline

Eggs– Packed in biotin and protein, eggs can help in the production of healthier hair strands. Yolks also contain vitamin D which can improve blood circulation, a fundamental element when it comes to preventing hair loss.

Pumpkins– Vitamin A is beneficial to the regeneration of both skin and nails. Pumpkins are known to be a great source of beta carotene which our body turns into vitamin A. Eating pumpkins can also influence the healthy production of natural oils which nourish the hair and scalp.

Fatty Fish– Tuna, mackerel, and salmon are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids which are great solutions for thinning or receding hairlines. This is because certain fatty acids contribute to the stimulation and growth of hair follicles.

3 Types of Treatment Options for Thinning or Receding Hairline

Hair Transplant– This surgical procedure moves hair follicles into balding areas of the head. After the procedure, hair follicles can grow naturally and evenly with a success rate of 85%-95%. It is also considered the best solution for thinning or receding hairlines that are unresponsive to other treatments.

Minoxidil– First considered as a treatment for hypertension, minoxidil can now be applied as a topical solution after experts found that it can also stimulate hair growth. Minoxidil can easily be applied in thinning or receding areas and is applicable for both men and women.

Anti-Androgen Medication– Testosterone is a type of androgen hormone that can cause hair loss or hairline thinning in women. Anti-androgen medication can be prescribed to women who are dealing with hair loss due to hormonal issues though this depends upon the advice of medical professionals.