How often do you use a bank card to make purchases in offline and online stores? Literally every day, bank customers make non-cash transfers, receive payments and save money on electronic media. This is facilitated not only by digitalization, but also by other social phenomena, such as the crisis situation associated with the coronavirus pandemic. But if you do not have a plastic card yet, then you should think about which one to choose. Often, financial institutions offer three options: credit card, prepaid card, and debit card. The experts of the WestStein service told how these financial instruments differ from each other.
When is a prepaid card required?
The WestStein prepaid card is suitable for those who value the versatility of financial transactions, as well as their own privacy. A significant advantage of such an account is that it is not linked to the main bank account. This allows the holder to remain anonymous when making purchases. This characteristic is the main difference between a debit and a prepaid card.
In addition, a free prepaid card is available for use immediately after registration and verification on our website. To do this, you do not need to submit a package of documents – a mobile phone number, email address and name will be enough. A client can order a prepaid card online at any time convenient for him, he needs only a few free minutes and free access to the network.
Ordering a Mastercard prepaid card is also beneficial because it does not imply a credit component, unlike credit cards and overdraft cards. At the same time, you can replenish your account in any convenient way: through the terminal or by money transfer from another card.
How to get a free debit card in just a couple of clicks?
The experts of our service made sure that the process of registering and issuing a card takes minimal time. The Mastercard prepaid card, namely its virtual counterpart, is available immediately after the confirmation of personal information. And physical – ten days after registration. In turn, using Internet banking is extremely simple – the interface is clear and ergonomic.
An online prepaid card is a universal tool designed for shopping online and in physical stores.