Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
Smirk, wink and tongue out emoticons vector set

It’s a key way we communicate our emotions and feelings online, and it’s grown from a playful way to illustrate a joke to its language. So far this year, which emojis have been the most popular? Data is available.

Emojis play an essential role as we communicate online, and Consumer Research helps us understand how and why they are being used. Here we count down the top 10 most-used emojis for the first six months of 2022, based on tracking and analyzing emoji use.

1. Hands folded πŸ™ 

Since last year, it has risen to the top of the chart. Often used in online conversations to express thanks, ask for something, praise, and gratitude. The emoji depicts two hands pressed together with fingers pointed up.

It stimulates an emotional response in users, whether you’re paying respect or spreading positivity. This symbol can also signify a high five!

2. Tears of joy streaming down the cheeks πŸ˜‚

In the ongoing battle between and, the “face with tears of joy” emoji may have made a triumphal comeback and made it to the second spot. Gen-Z TikTok users may have been responsible for pushing the emoji off the top spot in 2021. However, we watched social media users laughing along with the laugh-cry emoji earlier that year.

3. Face covered in tears 😭

There was a loss of one position this year for the loudly crying face, which made it third place.

It is important to consider the context. An unprepared user may be confused by a yellow face with a stream of heavy tears, but never fear: this emoji has been overwhelmingly used to convey positivity.

4. Red heart ❀️

In the top 10 list, the heart has climbed to #4 since last year. The red heart emoji signifies love and gratitude, often used with positive messages and to express good feelings. Brands often use this emoji to thank their fans for their support.

5. Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes 😍

😍 Since the last report in 2021, it has climbed to #5. In the smiling face emoji with hearts instead of eyes, love, infatuation, and admiration are enthusiastically conveyed. A new favorite song or a new hobby is often used to let others know what people are currently obsessed with.

6. Fire πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯From #7 to #6 since 2021. Emojis with fire is commonly paired with announcements of success or achievements on the internet. “On fire” refers to feeling great and doing well.

7. Rolling on the floor laughing emoji 🀣

🀣 Since last year, it has remained at #7. ROFL is called a visual equivalent, or the response people use when someone says something dumb.

8. Pleading face πŸ₯Ί

It has fallen from #5 to #8 on the top 10 list. There are several uses for the “large puppy-dog eyes” emoji. Some people use πŸ₯Ί to express upset or worry, and others use it to show care. Pleading face emojis are perfect for expressing support and adoration for others and patting yourself on the back (virtually).


Emojis are an excellent way to connect with people emotionally. People use them in almost every social application. It’s fun and joy and keeps you relaxed while the conversation with your friends and family.