Fri. Dec 13th, 2024

Computerized Nikah Nama Fees:

The computerized nikah nama fees is Rs5000 by nikah khawan in Lahore, excluding his own service charges. Furthermore, during the process of survey and data collection, participants also are aware of the agreement. The purpose was to (i) examine the level of knowledge and awareness of Nikah Nama reforms among unmarried males and females and (ii) determine the reasons for not having read this Nikah Nama before marriage for computerized nikah nama fees is Rs5000 by nikah khawan in Lahore.


 Punjab’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) carried out the project in 2015 in order to educate the Nikah Registered, LG, along with CDD officials: The objective was to promote and protect women’s rights across all areas of life and to increase the knowledge of all the local authorities officials on the new laws reforms, policies including filling out with Nikah Nama, Nikah registration and the female rights.


 PCSW has trained 38,793 Nikah Registrars and 415 Union Councils Secretaries, and 4,015 Union Council Chairpersons in Punjab for computerized nikah nama fees is Rs5000 by nikah khawan in Lahore. The goal of the training was to help people understand how to fill in the Nikah Nama and assist in protecting women from harmful practices like a child and early-age marriages. It was believed that the training would aid to protect women from the exploitation and discrimination that they face and to protect women from the rights in divorce (Training of Nikah Registrars the Local Government as well as CDD Officials 2015.).

Nikah Khawan in Lahore:

A contract refers to certain guidelines on computerized nikah nama fees is Rs5000 by nikah khawan in Lahore, rules, boundaries, and obligations under the law. The marriage contract is different from other contracts in that it defines the rights and obligations of a couple. Understanding each other’s rights as well as obligations makes the marriage more secure and based on trust (Rob Primervra and Primervra 2015). Jaafar, as well as Lehmann (2011), explained how the marriage that is governed by Islamic Law that is established without the consent of the woman and without granting her the right to review the marriage contract is a crime in Islam.


Divorce is also allowed in Islam as well as there are rights specific to both genders when it comes to divorce. A marriage after computerized nikah nama fees is Rs5000 by nikah khawan in Lahore is annulled or null and void if the following steps are taken that include (i) force, (ii) coercion, (iii) fraud, and (iv) fraud. A marriage that is forced can be viewed as a criminal offense.

Family Court:

Anyone is entitled to get a decision by the Family Court declaring the marriage to be invalid even when it was legalized by coercion, force, or fraud occurred in the process of signing. This is referred to by the term Jactitation or marriage (Qamar, Zia & Khan 2019). Scholars are of the opinion the need for Nikah Nama clauses and awareness must be investigated in Pakistan (Haq 2002). In a country with a strict culture such as Pakistan, both genders are generally not informed about Nikah Nama clauses by their family members (Munir and AbdulQusddus in 2018).