How can it function?
It utilizes our best in class man-made brainpower to augment and upgrade pictures (likewise called super-goal). Our underlying dataset comprised of 5 million pictures, and we’ve continually added more information, combining or shooting as required.
Incidentally, we’re presently centered around two things: message and eyes, something the natural eye perceives well. Return two or three months to check whether we’ve progressed.
Is Smart Upscaler allowed to utilize?
You can upgrade 3 pictures free of charge. To grow more pictures, you want to pay $0.20/picture, or pick our paid arrangement, which highlights 100 pictures/month for $9 or limitless for $99/month.
In case you have huge clumps of photographs, if it’s not too much trouble, consider utilizing our Upscaler API or reach us for different choices.
Where are my pictures put away?
We store the transferred pictures safely to permit you to see your set of experiences and once again download the broadened photographs without utilizing expensive GPU power (and not charge you once more).
We don’t utilize your photos for AI or anything like that, and we don’t share or grandstand them by the same token.
What pictures work best with Smart Upscaler?
Pictures with sharp corners: vector delineations, pictures with sharp lines like plastic (or latex), and differentiating surfaces, for example, a chess board.
Results will be more subtle for obscured pictures, and it will eliminate JPEG pressure antiquities. It doesn’t work for photographs that are as of now increased or pixelated.