Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
Hypospadias Surgery

A general Idea:

Hypospadias is a common condition with which some boys are born. In this condition, the penis does not look normal and also does not work correctly. Hypospadias surgeon for Paeds has come up with a solution to this problem. Hypospadias surgical treatment can fix the problem and let the penis function normal. Also, you can prefer Surgery penile surgery that increase your men confidence.

What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a common birth defect in 1 out of 200 baby boys. In such a condition, the meatus is in the wrong place. Meatus is a hole at the end of the urethra. Thus, the opening of the urethra is not at the tip of the penis. In boys suffering from Hypospadias, their abnormal urethra forms during 8–14 weeks of pregnancy. The hole is often found at the distal position, in the middle of the penile shaft till the base of the penis, or even at the proximal part. Hence, the abnormal opening can form anywhere, from just below the end of the penis to the scrotum. It is a treatable condition; hypospadias surgery cost in Pakistan is very affordable.

What are the Types of Hypospadias?

The types of Hypospadias depend upon the location of the opening of the urethra in boys.

1: Glandular Hypospadias: In this type, the opening of the urethra is located at the head of the penis, not at the tip. It is minor and most common as it does not cause the urinary stream to be misdirected or the curving of the penis during an erection.

2: Subcoronal Hypospadias: The opening of the urethra is present under the head of the penis. The penis may curve mildly during an erection.

3: Distal Hypospadias: The opening of the urethra is in the middle between the edge of the head and the side of the penis.

4: Midshaft Hypospadias: The opening is halfway down at the side of the penis.

5: Penoscrotal Hypospadias: The opening is at the meeting point of the shaft and scrotum. Boys experiencing this condition have more pronounced curvature of the penis during an erection.

6: Perineal Hypospadias: The scrotum is abnormally divided, and the urethral opening is near the split sac’s centre. The bifid scrotum is reconstructed to give it a regular appearance as a single scrotal sac.

What are the Causes of Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is congenital as the formation of the penis starts. Certain hormones excite the formation of the urethra and foreskin. Hypospadias abnormality results in malfunction due to these hormones, causing the urethra to develop abnormally.

Hypospadias surgeon for Paeds blames various reasons for it and assures Hypospadias surgical treatment as its permanent solution. Let’s discuss a few of its causes in detail.

  • Genetics

Genetics plays a risk developing factor in Hypospadias. Researchers believe almost 57 to 77 % of cases of this disease are hereditary. In addition, nearly 30% of cases possess an apparent genetic cause.

  • Issues while the mother is expecting

Some sources state mothers aged more than 35 years of age may give birth to boys with the penile disorder. Another alarming factor is obesity or overweight females. Moreover, premature babies or monochorionic twins also have chances of Hypospadias. Further, an underdeveloped placenta also increases the risk of a baby developing hypospadias.

  • Hormonal issues

Hormones also play a pivotal role in genital development. Therefore, sometimes a hormonal deficiency is the cause of Hypospadias. Moreover, when mother’s intake of hormones before or during pregnancy may increase the risk of Hypospadias in babies.

How is Hypospadias diagnosed?

Hypospadias is diagnosed at the time of birth by doctors. The healthcare professional usually checks the location of the baby’s urethra and notices the foreskin and any curves in the penis. Further, the Urology Care Foundation notes that about 8% of male babies with Hypospadias suffer from undescended testicles as well. Thus, it is a symptom helpful in making the correct diagnosis.

What is Hypospadias surgical treatment?

Hypospadias surgical treatment usually repairs the penis to reposition the urethral opening. In some cases, it also fixes the shaft by straightening the penis. Surgery is performed between the ages of 6 and 12 months.

Surgery is the proper treatment:

Several surgeries in Hypospadias depend upon the severity of penile structure and meatus position. Therefore, some forms may require more than one surgery to correct the defect. Tissue grafting is an elective procedure if the urethral opening is near the base of the penis. The piece is taken from the foreskin or inside of the mouth to reconstruct the urinary channel.

Risk Factors:

Sometimes, a hole develops on the underside of the penis where the new urinary channel is formed, resulting in urine leakage.

Rarely might there be a problem with wound healing or scarring. If these conditions are experienced, they may require additional surgeries for repair.

Results of surgery

Surgery results in a maximum success rate. After the surgery, the penis looks normal, and boys urinate and usually reproduce. Therefore, if your child is suffering from Hypospadias, then the ideal treatment is surgery. Fortunately, at ALSA, the Best hypospadias surgeon in Pakistan performs the repair at 6-12 months. The objective of the surgery is to locate the opening for urination in the right place and close the deformed opening. Thus, get your child treated in the safe hands of our experienced faculty.