Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
PiracyHow You Can Stop Revenue Loss From Piracy?

It takes a lot of money and significant time to create engaging content as a video content creator. But today’s pirates use a variety of tactics such as credential stuffing or streaming linear channels to retrieve and distribute those contents.

As a result, it has a major impact on business, and the expected revenue considerably goes down. Hence, it becomes crucial for video content creators to realise why they should care about video piracy and how to stop it.

Why Care About Video Piracy?

Statistics suggest that the estimated losses in revenue are between $40.0 billion and $97.1 billion for the film industry and between $39.3 billion and $95.4 billion for the television industry. Isn’t that a significant amount? And when it comes to global internet piracy, video piracy and other forms of piracy account for nearly 24 percent of total internet bandwidth.

We are beginning to understand the broader impact of the video piracy problem as more research and studies become available. 

How to Stop Video Piracy?

The video piracy problem can be minimised if addressed strategically. The following strategic actions can help curb video piracy and improve a business’s overall revenue.

Protect Against Credential Sharing

Quite often, users share passwords to their accounts with their near and dear ones. Thus, simultaneous logins from an account result in multiple consumptions of the same premium content without generating the actual revenue from those views. 

Content creators can easily stop the credential sharing and block simultaneous logins by:

  1. Using several plugins like the word press plugin if their website is built on WordPress
  2. Allocating a unique ID to every user accessing their content
  3. Using SSO (Single sign-on) for login will require a user’s password of social media logins like Google, Facebook, etc., to access their content. This might refrain a user from sharing their passwords with their friends.
  4. Restricting the total watch time of a video for a user will ensure that their video isn’t viewed multiple times by several users.

Encrypting Videos

When content creators encrypt their videos, they secure their videos to prevent any unauthorised access to them without their permission.

Video encryption can be done in two significant ways:

  1. AES 128 Encryption- It is a symmetric key algorithm used to protect sensitive data. It will ensure that their video is kept private and cannot be viewed or stolen by unauthorised users.
  2. HLS Encryption with AES-128- It is a protocol that uses a secure AES-128 algorithm to encrypt secret classified information.

Encryption Using DRM Technology

DRM or Digital Rights Management is also an encryption tool that provides extreme security to videos and makes it a more challenging job for the pirates to discover the encryption key and download the content. Nowadays, some major DRM used is Google’s Widevine DRM and Apple’s Fairplay DRM.

DRM encryption is generally used alongside video watermarking. With watermarking, videos are embedded with digital information, and if pirated, the origin of the video source is displayed on the screen of the unauthorised user.

Using A Secure Video Hosting Platform

A secure video hosting platform provides extraordinary services to secure a video and enables a smoother way of doing tasks, such as uploading and streaming. Look for a video hosting platform that provides the following services:

  • Top Security- To protect the video creator’s content using DRM encryption
  • Video API- To automatically simplify tasks such as uploading & embedding
  • Excellent CDN- To speed up content delivery time to the users regardless of geographic location
  • Video Analytics- To provide an overall analysis of how the target audience consumes content

Businesses related to video content creation need to stop video piracy from hindering their expected revenue. By curbing piracy, businesses can effectively reduce financial losses and ensure that licensing continues to excel in a global marketplace.
