Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
EcommerceHow to Create a Marketing Plan for an Ecommerce Business

It is a common misconception that marketing ends once your products are on the shelves. Marketing should be an ongoing process, with new strategies and approaches applied as you learn more about your customers.

Creating a marketing plan with the help of eCommerce website developer can help ensure that you remain focused on what’s essential for your ecommerce business while also keeping pace with changing industry trends. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create a marketing plan for an ecommerce business.

What is a Successful marketing strategy?

A marketing plan is a document that outlines your business’s marketing efforts for a period. It specifies the budget, tools, and techniques you will use to promote your brand or products.

Why do you need to create a marketing plan for your eCommerce business?

A clear roadmap helps businesses stay focused on their goals while also keeping pace with shifting trends in the market. A well-defined strategy can ensure that resources are spent wisely as new opportunities arise.

Another reason you should create a marketing plan for your eCommerce business is because it allows you to work with an eCommerce development company in tracking your progress.

Ways to create marketing plan for an ecommerce business:

  • Search engines – Search engine optimization (SEO).

Optimizing listings across relevant search engines like Google and Yahoo! is vital because upwards of 90% of consumers find online stores by using these services. This means that your site will be more visible on search results if plenty of quality content and links point back to your website. This can help build brand awareness and increase sales, so many eCommerce stores invest in SEO services.

Here’s how we do keyword research at Endertech— we use the Google Keyword Planner tool and the UberSuggest chrome extension that recommends keywords based on existing data from our blog posts, organic searches within Google Analytics, videos, images, etc., with the most searched phrases being suggested first.

  • Content

We can never overestimate the relevance of content creation and marketing for any eCommerce business. Content is at the core of every marketing strategy and has a significant impact on conversions, especially for SEO ranking. And This is why you should hire an eCommerce development company to handle your content and website creation.

Here’s how to create content for your business:

  • First step— research keywords with high search volumes within Google Keyword Planner tool and UberSuggest chrome extension (mentioned above)
  • Second step — write articles based on these researched keywords and publish them in your blog or guest posts on other blogs that are related to your niche market. You can also consider using tools like Yoast, Raven Tools, etc., which help you optimize blog post titles and descriptions by suggesting relevant keywords.


Social media

Social media has revolutionized the way we market our ecommerce business. It is a great platform to reach out and engage with your audience, potentially becoming your customers.

  • Twitter:

Twitter is one of the best social networking sites to use when marketing your online store. You can use hashtags related to your niche market so that you get noticed by more people in this vast network of followers. Use tools like TweetDeck or Hootsuite for scheduling tweets ahead of time.

  • Facebook:

Facebook has over two billion active users per month, making it one of the best marketing platforms available today. Businesses can connect with their target audiences through captivating ads and organic posts that might turn into sales if marketed well enough (mentioned above).

  • Instagram:

Instagram is a top-rated social media site with over 700 million users as of today. You can use this platform for marketing by posting pictures and videos on the go using hashtags to get matched with like-minded people following accounts related to their products or services (mentioned above).

  • Pinterest:

Pinterest has over 250 million unique monthly visitors, making it one of the most visited platforms for eCommerce businesses to market themselves through images and infographics rather than written content.


Doing thorough research of the market before entering it is very important, as this will help you identify your target audience, competition, and strategies.

  • Google Analytics:

Google Analytics helps track user behavior on the site, which includes how users are interacting with products or services, where they came from (search engines), what content is popular among them, etc.

  • Google Search Console:

Google Search Console has become an essential part of tracking the performance of keywords, website structure, and other site information.

  • Google AdWords:

You can also set up an ad campaign on Google using its paid advertising platform, which will help you promote your product/ services through various placements like YouTube ads or Gmail Ads, etc.

Set goals and time frame

Setting up measurable targets is very important when talking about an eCommerce business marketing plan because it will let you know if your efforts are practical or not. You should set both short-term (daily, weekly) and long-term objectives to have reasonable control over the entire process. It can be done by dividing tasks into small milestones, which you could manage more efficiently.

For example – having a clear goal for the number of subscribers on social media channels within one month would show where exactly do you stand right now compared to that target, whereas “get maximum exposure among people” might appear too vague at this stage since there’s no real way to check how successful were your attempts, etc.

  • Determine the metrics

For tracking, there should be some metrics decided by eCommerce owners on what they will track. It may include the number of social media followers or number of referrals through specific campaigns, etc.

  • Track the progress

Tracking data can be done with tools like Google Analytics, which will tell you where most of your traffic comes from, which pages are more popular than others, and even show how many visitors bounce back (leave immediately without looking at anything else). By tracking all this information, you will get an idea about things that work and those that do not. It will also give other insights into customer behavior. A much better way to track data for ecommerce businesses is by using a marketing attribution software with features such as multi-touch attribution optimized for ecommerce brands. Learn more about it by visiting


The key to success for any eCommerce business is understanding your customer. Your customers are unique, and so you should meet their needs in a way that they will appreciate. Let us help you create a successful marketing plan with our expertise in SEO, social media, email marketing, web design, and more! We are an eCommerce web development company at Endertech, so contact us today for all of your digital solutions – we can’t wait to hear from you!
