The judge has absolute discretion in setting the bail and can deny bail, depending on the nature of the crime and the defendant’s profile and criminal history. While getting bail is not complicated, you can jeopardize your chances if you commit a mistake. Some typical examples of mistakes that can prevent you from getting bail or get your bail revoked:
Not Appearing Before the Court
If the defendant does not appear before the court on the scheduled dates, the judge will promptly revoke the bail and send him back to jail unless there are any extenuating circumstances. Similarly, not complying with the restrictions on travel will also mean bail revocation.
Not Telling the Truth or Misrepresenting Facts
If you apply for bail, the court and the bail bond company, if any, will ask you several questions to approve the application. You must ensure you reply to every question truthfully without hiding or misrepresenting any material facts. If you lie, the judge may deny your bail application, revoke bail already granted, and send you back to jail.
Choosing a Bail Bond Service withouta License to Operate
Like any other business, a bail bond company must also obtain a license or permit to operate in a court’s jurisdiction. If you engage a bond company without a proper license, unscrupulous and inexperienced outfits will likely rip you off by charging exorbitant fees and making you sign guarantees that benefit only them. You must hire a reputed, dependable, and experienced bail bond company with a proper license, like Castle Bail Bonds Shelby County. Never deal with a company that is not willing to share its license or registration details.
Not Providing Your Correct Address
You must provide your address in various forms during the bail application process. You must provide the correct address consistently since any mistake can result in the revocation of your bail application. According to, you will lose any money you have paid. The prosecution can also use the fact of your providing inconsistent or inaccurate addresses as proof of your being unreliable and untruthful and ask for denial of bail. You must make sure you write down the address correctly and legibly.
Not Staying Out of Trouble
The basis of the court granting you bail is trust that you will not flee or get into further trouble. If the police catch you doing something illegal when you are out on bail, the court will revoke your bail and send you back to jail. You should be on your best behavior, not associate with bad elements or get into trouble. You will not get bail again and also lose the bail amount.
Whether you will get bail or not, the amount you will have to pay and the conditions you will have to comply with are the discretion of the judge. In some jurisdictions, you can pay the bail amount specified in a bail schedule for minor offenses. The judge decides the bail amount considering several factors and can deny or revoke your bail for lying, not staying out of trouble, and failing to appear before the court on the scheduled dates.