Fri. Feb 7th, 2025
How does online JavaScript Compiler work?How does online JavaScript Compiler work?

The JavaScript compiler has now been around for almost 25 years. Well, that definitely says something about its efficiency and usability.

The online JavaScript compiler is an extremely lightweight compiler which means that it will not take much of your system space and you can run it on low-performance PCs.

If you would like to learn more about the JavaScript Online Compiler and the Java code compiler, then read this blog to learn more.

How does an online JavaScript compiler work?

The core fundamental of JavaScript is that “Everything in JavaScript happens inside an Execution Context”.

To understand this better, let us assume that there is a container or a box within which the JavaScript program is being executed.

Following are the two major components of an execution context:

  • Memory component – The memory component is where all the functions and variables of a program are stored. The technical term for this is known as “key-value pairs”.

The memory component is also referred to as the Variable Environment. Hence this is the sort of environment where all the variables and functions are stored.

  • Code component – This is the second component of our execution context. Here you will observe that every code has been executed line after another. This means that each code is stacked one after the other.

The code component is also referred to in other terms as the thread of execution. This resembles a thread within which all the codes are executed one line at a time.

Now that we have discussed all the important components of our execution context of JavaScript, here are a few important facts about the same:

  • JavaScript is a single-threaded language:

The fact that JavaScript is capable of executing only one command at any given time makes it single-threaded. And we have the word synchronous over here because along with executing only one command at a time, JavaScript also has to follow a specific order.

  • Call stack

JavaScript has its own call stack. This call stack helps in storing all the functions that have been executed before running the program.

It is possible that some of the functions in JavaScript might consist of internal functions, this will lead to the formation of the execution context within the same.

This is what call stack is for, it helps in smoothly executing the program without running into a hindrance.

The last stack of the call stack is known as the Global execution context. The call stack gets populated with this Global Execution Context whenever any JavaScript program runs.

Also, whenever a function is invoked, or a new execution context is created, the same is placed inside the call stack.

After gathering knowledge on the basic javascript concept, it would also be better for you to widen your knowledge about a few of javascript compilers:

  1. Coding Ninjas

This is a full-fledged online community for coding as well as finding out what the other developers are doing on this platform.

CodePen offers a “popular” section in the main menu where you can see for yourself what the other programmers and coders from the global community are up to. You can analyze their projects and take notes on their logic and syntaxes.  

We should mention that along with JavaScript, the other programming languages supported in this online compiler are HTML and CSS.

  1. JSFiddle

This is one of the compilers that are pretty straightforward and to the point. This means that the functions that you will find over here are simplistic and to be honest there are not a lot of unnecessary functions incorporated in JSFiddle.

There are several different boilerplates such as React, Vue, iQuery, etc available in the main menu of this compiler.

These are available so that you can use them for prototyping, making demos, presenting codes, and answering on Stack Overflow.

The best feature about this compiler is that you do not require to set up anything since it comes with all the prerequisites that are important and are required to immediately start programming.

  1. CodeSandbox

As you log in to the website of this IDE you will find a brief introduction of what it is about and how you can create your own prototypes using this compiler.

With CodeSandbox, you have the liberty to collaborate with others and get their input for your projects or programs and vice versa.

This website is completely free of cost which means that you do not require to sign up for it. In the main menu of the website, you will find all the required templates for your projects. This way you will not have to search anywhere else.

  1. Repl

This one we have here is the most collaborative program that you can find on the list. This is yet another website where you do not have to sign up to start coding.

Although, there are certain advanced features that will only be available once you sign up for Repl. There are literally all the programming languages available in Repl so you do not have to worry if you are not accustomed to JavaScript yet.

Winding Up

If you are new to JavaScript, the journey to learning this programming language is going to be exciting, to say the least.

This is because the functioning of JavaScript is more defined and comparatively interesting to program than the rest of the programming languages.

In this blog, we have tried to put these facts into words and definitions. Since you might be a beginner in this programming language we have also mentioned some online JavaScript compilers or Java code compilers as well to get you started.

For a beginner-level programmer, it is best to join the online community of the IDEs so that you can take inspiration from the coding patterns of professional programmers.

By admin