Speaking about automation for home purposes, we should distinguish two types, the actual whole home automation as a smart system that combines many independent units and separate automated subjects you can buy and use, or implement as a DIY project for separate home areas or devices. In both of these cases, automation is a system that can be found in houses or buildings of any type that have systematization features, that is, a large part of the house, including its furniture, equipment, and other objects.; have information management tools, intelligent configuration, and other functions.
Automation as a system helps to control many components in your home automating common and human actions at the same time to simplify many usual activities, give people more free time and make things done quickly and effectively. Even if you are not interested in a fully automated home for your own reasons, it’s always possible to smarten up separate furniture elements, units, and parts of your abode. Just look at the way tables or desks can be controlled and adjusted https://www.progressiveautomations.com/pages/table-lifts and discover a new approach in the area of ergonomic design. This is only one example of the contemporary innovative smart solutions, you can obtain today without much difficulty.
Learn More about Automation Process
Let’s take a look at the most popular home automation solutions and the benefits they bring. For example, smart thermostats are able to regulate the internal temperature of a building, even at the ideal temperature before the arrival of the user, and this thermostat determines the location of the user and knows the time of arrival thanks to geolocation.
There are also automatic shutters that can be opened or closed according to your schedule or depending on the weather. all settings can be programmed to open during the day and close at night as desired by the user.
In addition, the brightness of the lighting in a room or hall can be increased using a smartphone, which can automate this process so that the light becomes brighter for many hours of darkness.
All of the above aspects have a very important feature to consider, namely that if the programming is done correctly, we can achieve great energy savings compared to conventional houses.
In other words, if this concept becomes popular, we will not only be able to attract investments that will save us big costs in the long run but, in turn, we will be able to cooperate with the environment and conserve non-renewable sources.
For all of the above to really work, three important pillars must be in place: actuators, sensors, and controls. Actuators are designed for everything that involves action, such as smart blinds, TV lifts, adjustable table columns, motorized kitchen cabinets, and many other interesting home automation projects.
It is important to know that home network automation does not need a constant WiFi connection, as automation commands are short messages. The two most prominent radio networks in home automation are ZigBee and Z-Wave. Both of these technologies are mesh networks, which means that they look for more than one path for a message to reach its destination. Note that Bluetooth automation has recently been spreading.
This is the simplest protocol that everyone has with them on their phone. Some fixtures today can be controlled and adjusted using a regular phone. In this case, you do not need to buy an expensive controller to organize a control system. The manufacturer provides free software in which you can quickly configure everything.
All instruments and devices, like remote controls, keyboards, or transmitters, are receivers and senders. Both of these types are controlled by the smart home system. Home automation technology is constantly improving and becoming more accessible around the world. The characteristics of this area are very extensive, so there are 5 main ones (programming, comfort, security, communication, and accessibility) that make modern life more comfortable and safer.