Homework is not always activity children prefer and perform with particular enthusiasm. However, homework is part of the school’s obligations, and as such, it is mandatory.
Very often, neither the parents nor the children have enough patience at the end of the working day to complete the homework with as little stress as possible, procrastination, avoidance, and sometimes even arguments.
We bring you several useful guidelines and tips with the help of which you can make the process of writing homework easier for a child in the lower elementary school grades.
If possible, Who should write the homework immediately after the class? This way, procrastination and procrastination will be avoided, which can last until the evening hours when the child will already be tired and have even less willpower. In addition to the above, this reason is also recommended because everything will still be “fresh” for the child after school, and there is less chance of him forgetting an assignment; he will better remember the material studied that day. This rule can be an exception regarding extracurricular activities before or after school. In this case, arrange with the child to do the homework before the activity, if there is time, or when he returns home.
Homework is the child’s obligation and responsibility, not the parent’s. From the first day of school, encourage your child to complete all his tasks independently. However, this does not mean you should not be present or participate. Be supportive and helpful when certain obstacles need to be overcome or when the child necessarily needs help with writing homework. Always try to encourage independence and responsibility. Online Homework help is a great example of how to learn to approach your responsibilities responsibly. From time to time, check how the child is progressing with the tasks and whether they are all written regularly, but if the child asks for your help with a certain task, be available for him.
Take a break. After a day at school and possible extracurricular activities, it can be difficult for a child to concentrate for a long time on the tasks he has to write. If you notice that he loses concentration, and becomes irritable, take a short break. Try to ensure that the break or short break is of high quality and that technology is not included in it because otherwise, the child could completely lose will and interest.
Respecting the guidelines teachers give students before writing the homework is important. You may have done the same tasks differently during your schooling, but it is extremely important to try not to insist that your child solve the tasks in a way that you consider inadequate. In this way, you also nurture the relationship you have with the teachers and, at the same time, show in front of the child that you respect their work.
Suppose the child procrastinates on writing the homework, constantly asks you questions and asks for a ready-made solution or your constant help and presence, or has outbursts of anger or crying. In that case, it is advised to step back and let him calm down and complete the homework independently, regardless of whether the tasks are solved correctly or incorrectly. In this situation, it is important to remain calm and consistent and not give in to pressure.
The space where the child writes homework should be simple because too many things nearby can disrupt the child’s concentration and distract him from writing homework or studying. Children don’t need a lot of things to do homework. They must have the necessary equipment for work, enough space, and a stimulating environment in which they can work calmly.