You should consider buying cheap non owner car insurance coverage whenever you are borrowing a car from a friend or relative or getting one on lease from a rental company. There is a valid reason for doing that as regular auto insurance policies usually don’t cover unlisted drivers. So, if you meet with an accident, your personal finances can come under strain as you may have to bear all costs on medical treatments of bodily injuries caused to third party victims as well as property damages. The same might apply to your and your fellow passengers’ bodily injuries. And such a situation can drive you to a bankruptcy like scenario in the worst case. Having separate temporary insurance an pay for the expenses and thus, give you peace of mind. specialises in educating drivers across the United States in understanding the basics of securing affordable auto insurance solutions. We even offer online services to fix free appointments with local specialists as well as to get and compare the best free quote estimates in business for any category of drivers from different age groups..
The cheapest non owner car insurance policy is the one that enables you to liability cover as is prescribed by your state’s law. You can buy personal injury protection (PIP), medial payments, uninsured and uninsured motorist as extra coverage features to ensure complete financial protection against any kind of eventuality involving the borrowed or rented car. Such a proposition may prove to be useful even if you lease your car to a friend or relative for few days. Nevertheless, there may be few things which you need to know about vehicle insurance for non-car owners. Here is some vital information regarding the same which you might find useful for making an informed decision on your purchase.
The following things may not be covered under contents of a cheap non owner car insurance cover.
1. Damages caused to the borrowed or rented vehicle as a result of an accident when you are not at-fault. It is the car owner’s insurance policy which will pay for driver not at fault accident.
2. Bodily injuries sustained by you will be covered only if you purchase personal injury protection or medical payments coverage features.
3. A typical non-owner’s auto insurance policy will not cover your personal belongings in the car that you have borrowed or leased if they get damaged, stolen or lost for whatsoever reasons when you are driving the vehicle.
To get the cheapest non owner car insurance policy quote online, you need to furnish copies of few documents to the insurer that you have chosen to work with. These may include:
1. Copy of your valid driver’s license
2. Proof for not owning the vehicle
3. Some insurers may even ask you to give proof for none of your household members owning the car.
Besides, companies might deny your non-owner auto insurance request if you are driving the non-owned vehicle without valid driver license, have multiple traffic tickets for speeding or some other violations or have previous DUI or DWI convictions on your driving record. If you have been convicted for DUI/DWI offense earlier then it is mandatory to file SR-22 or FR-44 certification with your state DMV as is required by law.
Your ability to secure cheap non owner car insurance quote could depend on a host of factors like your age, gender, residential location, marital status, driving record and credit status. In addition, the exact type, make and model of vehicle that is borrowed or rented or leased might also impact the overall affordability of insurance rates in a big way. Both individuals and organizations can buy non-owner vehicle insurance as they can be of immense help in protecting finances. But to choose the right option for your circumstances, it is desirable to seek help from experts as the shopping task can be complicated, rigorous and confusing. With specialist assistance, you will find the process less stressful and also end up saving lot of time and borrowing money during your effort.
Wecan assist you in finding the best cheap full coverage auto insurance with no down payment for non-owner car drivers online through a process that is easy, simple and hassle-free. Use our help services online for securing a solution which is easily affordable and fits your car coverage needs as well as budget.