Tricks are proceeding to canine NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative, the most recent message saying the general store chain is offering $400 gift vouchers for its 45th commemoration.
Cautioning individuals not to tap on the provided connect, FairPrice says on its Facebook page that the proposition is a trick. It connects to “”, while the chain’s true site is
The trick was likewise being sustained through web-based media channels.
FairPrice says it has likewise been made aware of another web-based review trick facilitated on different informal locales that mimic the chain.
The gift voucher trick is a cycle of a past one, which FairPrice cautioned clients about in November. That trick offered free $1000 FairPrice gift vouchers with an unconfirmed connection through WhatsApp.
Different tricks imitating FairPrice date back to January last year.
In the interim, the police have shared FairPrice’s most recent note on Facebook, encouraging people in general to be ready.
“Be careful with phishing sites that might look certifiable, and forever be cautious when you are approached to uncover your own data or ledger subtleties on the web,” says the police message.