Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Antibacterial protection is a serious public health problem. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that construction materials, including flooring selected for use in food and beverage, pharmaceutical, healthcare, or medical research facilities, maintain the hygienic barriers that can be achieved through the use of antibacterial treatments.

Those involved in procuring construction materials and equipment for industries that rely on protective measures against microbial contamination will be familiar with ISO 22196. This is a standard test method used to quantify the antibacterial effect of antibacterial treatments.

Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the ISO 22196 standard has been published to explain antimicrobial efficacy properties and test methods on plastic products.

ISO 22196 jis z 2801 – Test for Antimicrobial Activity of Plastics
The iso 22196 jis z 2801 measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces. This standard determines the antimicrobial activity and efficacy of antimicrobial products on plastic and other non-porous surfaces. The standard is not aimed at evaluating the effect and spread of bacteria on non-porous surfaces that do not contain antimicrobials (this facet is studied in the ISO 846 standard). Nor is it aimed at evaluating the effects that antibacterial treatments may not cause on the material, such as the prevention of biodeterioration or odour, nor is it aimed at building materials, except when used in the same way as the materials treaties.

The test method presented with this standard is designed to quantitatively evaluate the ability of plastics to inhibit or kill the growth of microorganisms during a 24 hour contact period. It is a susceptible test method. Detects low-level antimicrobial effects applied for a long time. Subsequent updates have expanded the scope of this test method to include other non-porous surfaces and are no longer limited to plastic surfaces.

The ISO 22196 standard was designed after the JIS Z 2801 standard developed by the Japanese Industry Standards Organization (JIS).

ISO 2196 jis z 2801 test method
The iso 22196 jis z 2801 test method is quantitative, and the results are reproducible as long as they are not shed from the target area after thin-film coating. It has bacteriostatic and bactericidal (bactericidal) properties. While the test runs, the microbial concentrations are standardized, and the bacteria are fed during the incubation period. In this case, if the surfaces are not sufficiently antimicrobial, there are many opportunities for them to grow. Unlike other antimicrobial tests where microbes are incubated in non-nutritive suspensions, this test method is stressful for a long time.

This test method helps researchers estimate the precision of individual tests and predicts triple tests that increase overall experimental accuracy. In addition, this method includes successful or unsuccessful criteria for the calculated levels of antimicrobial activity observed in the test samples.