Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Many people believe that a major disaster lies just over the horizon. In truth, they happen every year. Reports from the National Centers for Environmental Information show that since 1980, Nearly 375 weather and climate-related disasters that caused $1 billion or more in damage across the US since 1997 alone. Events ranged from severe storms, drought, wildfire, to climate change-driven disasters like El Nio.

Major disasters are apparently growing more frequent as well. During the 1980s, the annual average for significantly destructive climate and weather events was 3. Since 2010 alone, 13 earthquakes and 13 hurricanes have struck. Already this year there have already been 25. Many experts argue that natural disasters such as these should not be our sole focus; considering where things appear to be heading today, any number of events could alter life as we know it drastically.

Being Prepared for Major Disasters

Be it hurricanes, earthquakes, global war, alien invasion or any other major crisis – being prepared ahead of time is paramount to survival. Stockpiling essential tools and supplies could mean the difference between continuity and vulnerability during an apocalyptic scenario – take a look at our guide of essential gear and supplies that could make all the difference when disaster strikes!. Keep in mind, Prepared Bee offers many of the essentials all from a single source.


Starting off with one of the basic requirements of humankind, you’ll need shelter. Shelter means different things for different people; nonetheless, certain shelter types provide greater security and safety than others. From the bare minimum perspective, though, a tarp or tent could certainly serve you well.

Either one can give you lightweight, versatile, and highly portable protection against the elements. They’re both perfect for fleeing the city or leaving the immediate vicinity of a major disaster. Pack and transport them easily; simply move from location to location when required. When using tarps as part of tent setups or alone as additional security layers, be sure to have plenty of rope/paracord available so they can be set up properly.

On the other hand, if you prefer staying put while not sacrificing safety and security, bunkers could provide the optimal shelter solution. A bunker takes away your ability to go mobile if necessary. It also requires far more of an investment than tents and tarps.

Bunkers provide more security. Not only will you have protection from natural elements but also from those looking to do harm. When installing one on your property near home or elsewhere nearby, however, experts typically caution against doing it there due to potential security threats from suburban environments. Urban areas and those within a moderate radius of small towns are recommended. Many feel that purchasing land in those areas for the sole purpose of building a bunker is well worth the investment.

Water and Food

Food and Water Needs for Survival In dire situations, water is one of the essential needs for survival. In an emergency situation, at least one gallon per person per day should be available for both drinking and sanitation needs – but storing this much could pose quite a problem – storing water may not even be possible at your self-sufficient homestead!. You may have plenty of space for plastic tanks or other water storage solutions. For a large enough bunker, you could even dedicate a specific internal area to water storage. 

If you’re on the move, though, carrying along a stockpile of water isn’t very practical. It may even be impossible. For a situation like that, portable water filters or purification tablets are better options. They’ll allow you to draw from readily available water sources without having to worry about contamination. Portable ultraviolet water purification systems are also available. 

Food options vary a bit based on your choice of shelter as well. Of course, canned foods provide the easiest food storage option in an emergency bunker situation, or alternatively you could grow and preserve fruits and vegetables yourself, dehydrate food for increased variety, or store ready-made freeze dried and dehydrated meal kits to supplement. Building food supplies yourself may take more time but is ultimately cheaper in the long run compared to buying canned versions of food from stores or the grocery.

Food needs to play an essential role for those attempting to survive major disasters on the move, yet dehydrated and freeze-dried food may only get you so far – carrying additional items beyond dehydration may provide essential nourishment but you will have to expand beyond them as well. Equip yourself with a rifle and plenty of ammo for hunting. That could also set you up for success against wrongdoers if push comes to shove. 

Consider adding a lightweight, collapsible fishing rod to your arsenal, too. Easily accessible sources of fresh protein vary from one location to the next, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. You could even learn how to make snares from materials you’d find in nature in case you’re fishing and hunting supplies run out. On top of all that, a good hunting knife is crucial. 

Medical Supplies

Medical supplies may also be your saving grace whether you’re forging through the aftermath of a severe storm or in a long-term survival situation. If anyone in your household relies on prescription medications, those must form part of your preparedness measures. Though it may be challenging, keeping extra prescription on hand for emergencies might still be doable if needed. Setting aside only a couple of leftover pills at the end of the month after getting your prescription refilled can add up to enough to sustain you in an emergency.

Antibiotics, over-the-counter painkillers, medicines for digestive distress, allergy medications, and other remedies should be among your medical supplies as well. Beyond medications. bandages, gauze, medical tape, and latex gloves are important. Scissors, tweezers, and hygiene supplies will also come into play. Don’t overlook the importance of peroxide and rubbing alcohol, either. Again, the type of shelter you choose will determine just how extensive your selection of medical supplies can be. 

Tools and Equipment

In addition to those considerations, be sure to build a supply of crucial tools and equipment. A multi-tool or Swiss Army Knife will work wonders in an array of general purposes. An ax or machete will help with chopping wood, clearing debris, and other tasks. We’ve already mentioned rope and paracord, but those can come in handy in countless situations. Duct tape is also essential. All joking aside, it’s an incredibly useful and versatile item that could easily save the day in any number of situations. 

Consider adding a compass and maps to your essentials as well. In many cases, GPS may not be available, so reverting to the old ways may be the only option for navigation. An emergency radio can provide valuable information in times of emergency, too. A hand-crank model is recommended. It’ll work even if the power is out and you have no batteries. For on-the-go scenarios, a portable generator could also make a major difference. Solar-powered generators need only the sun to work, so they’re perfect for times when fuel sources may be unavailable.

Clothing and Personal Items

Having extra clothing at the ready is also a good idea. Do your best to collect items suitable for all weather types; there’s never knowing when a major catastrophe could strike. Extra blankets and sleeping bags could come in handy; Even if disaster strikes in warm weather, they could give you extra padding or cover for injury victims. A blanket could be used as a bag to hang up your food supply while camping to protect it from wild animals. It could even be cut into strips and used as bandages in a pinch.

Sturdy footwear is a year-round necessity. Durable, waterproof shoes will offer protection against cold, moisture, sharp rocks, and countless other hazards. Protecting your feet is essential for everyone all the time, not only in the face of disaster. Extra socks are always a good idea, too. You can wear them in layers or change them out to prevent foot fungus and infections should the need arise. 

One thing many people overlook is keeping personal documents on hand during major disasters. Those include social security cards, passports, house deeds, car titles, insurance policies, and other important papers. Granted, if a global disaster were to occur, some of those may be moot points. Still, if a flood, hurricane, or other more common situation unfolds, having identification and important documents could certainly be helpful. Consider using a waterproof container to protect them. 

Facing Disasters with Tenacity

Numerous types of global downfalls could very well be lurking right around the corner, but situations don’t have to reach those proportions to be disastrous. Major disasters happen all too frequently, and being prepared can drastically lessen their effect. No matter your prepping plans are, make sure that these essential items remain at the core of them all and expand on them based on your individual requirements.

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