Wed. Jan 15th, 2025
Divorce Papers in Pakistan Pdf Free Download

Divorce Papers in Pakistan pdf free download:

 If you need divorce papers in Pakistan pdf free download or divorce certificate Lahore, you may contact us. The research of Macapundag et al. (2016) focuses on the experience of Merano women in the Philippines who married at a young age (before reaching the age of 18 years) and divorced thereafter. In the study on divorce papers in Pakistan pdf free download or divorce certificate Lahore, there a number of negative consequences faced by women who marry at a young age were mentioned, such as difficulty in adjusting to the new identity, difficulty in dividing roles as student and wife and breaking childhood habits.

Child Marriage:

This study researched 22 cases of child marriage. The study identified the reasons for divorce, namely incompatibility between wife and husband (12 cases), husband having another wife (2 two cases), intervention from in-laws (five cases), family conflict (one case), financial problems (one case), and the failure of the wife is playing her role (one case). Mann et al. (2015), In their research entitled “Qualitative Study of Child Marriage in six Districts from Zambia,” declare that divorce of children in Zambia is among the consequences of child weddings.

Study sites:

In some communities of the study sites for divorce papers in Pakistan pdf free download or divorce certificate Lahore, specifically those in Lusaka and Mufulira, the majority of child marriages were only for a couple of months, and there were only a few cases where couples were married for longer than a period of one or two years. Additionally, the study declares it was not a protection for children who were separated from their families or parents. In all of the case studies, divorced mothers were accountable for their own children.

Divorce Certificate Lahore:

Regarding the divorce papers in Pakistan pdf free download or divorce certificate Lahore men who were their former husbands did not offer financial aid to their wives prior to divorce and children. Based on the statistical data on the rate of divorce according to the divorce rate in Indonesia In Indonesia, it has been observed that the amount of talaqs and divorces over the last three years has continued to grow dramatically.


In 2013, there were 324,277 instances reported; in 2014, there were 344 237, and in 2015, there were three hundred and 256 ( BPS 2016).2016). It is thought those child marriages that end in divorce are the reason for the increase in the number of divorces, even though there aren’t any statistical data or research findings that prove the link between the two for divorce papers in Pakistan pdf free download or divorce certificate Lahore. Yet, numerous qualitative studies of child marriage have shown that child marriage can contribute to the vulnerability of relationships in young couples, which can lead to the divorce process (Marcoes and Simorok, 2016; Kartikawati, 2016; Sa’dan, 2016).

Study By Marcos:

The study by Marcos as well as Simorok (2016), which was conducted across five provinces, examines the possibility that certain instances of divorce after child marriage occurred due to a gender imbalance, specifically among girls, and the economic pressures. In addition, Kartikawati (2016) illustrates that child marriages are prone to divorce. The study revealed that of the four cases that were part of the study that three of these involved girls who suffered divorce before the age of 15.