Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The advancement of technology has made our life simpler than our ancestors could ever imagine. From social life to shopping, all our tasks are done online. Hence the rapid rise in the success of eCommerce businesses.

But as technology advances to give us ease, so do cybercrime and cyber fraud. A threat might impersonate a reputable company or a part of a reputable company to trap innocent customers and online shoppers. As the company name already gives them credibility, it is very easy to entangle customers and users in digital threats. And if such a fraud is committed in the name of your company, you lose customers and potential customers fast.

If you are an e-commerce business owner or company, you need strong online fraud and digital threat protection. But what are digital threats, what are the types and how do you protect your brand for them?

What Are Digital Threats?

Your brand is extremely vulnerable to several types of cyber threats and fraud. Digital threats or cybersecurity threats are malicious acts or softwares that seek to cause harm to a brand, company, or individual by stealing, damaging, or disrupting data. These digital lingering menaces comprise a plethora of malicious threats that your brand if your business or brand does not have strong protection against, can be susceptible to.

What Are Some Examples Of Cyber Threats?

There are several types of brand cyber threats that attack your brand for many different purposes. The main motive is money, data leak, or data damage. Right now, cyberspace is filled with several cyber weaponry to attack your vulnerable and unprotected brand at any given moment. Hence, your brand needs strong protection. To know whyyour brand needs online fraud and brand protection solutions, here are some threats you should know your brand is exposed to.

·         Phishing.

The most common threat to your brand is phishing. Phishing means a fraudulent impersonating or purporting to be your brand and sending emails with hidden hyperlinks. When the customer clicks on the hyperlink, the personal data of the user is compromised and hacked into.

·         DNS Hijacking.

DNS Hijacking is another threat your brand could be compromised to. In this attack, the DNS is hidden in machine-friendly IP addresses that allow users to access it using search engines. The users are redirected to fake or unusual websites, and the perpetrators hijack the IP addresses.

·         Online Counterfeiting.

The simplest way to describe online counterfeiting is the stealing of your brand’s trademark and brand name to sell cheaper, bad quality, or any type of goods. This is not only a cybercrime but also an act of forgery. This can be done by unauthorized transfer of licensed materials electronically.

·         Malware.

Malicious software is designed specially to infect devices for criminal purposes such as stealing or blackmailing. Malware can infect a wide range of networks easily through phishing or pharming.hence, your brand is extremely vulnerable to malware.

·         Ransomware.

A further subcategory of malware, ransomware encrypts your data and locks you out of your own networks, data, and your devices. The brand is then asked for a ransom to decrypt the files and allow access again.This has become so popular that cybercriminals on the dark web are hired for it.

By admin