Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Choosing concealed carry clothing is a big decision as choosing the best concealed carry holster. Not only will you need to be comfortable with the weight of your pistol, but you’ll also have to consider how well the clothes conceal it and how they fit. At Dinosaurized, you can find yourself a comfortable concealed carry holster easily but how about concealment clothes… But no worries, we’ve compiled some tips that can help make this process easier! 

Let’s jump to the “choosing concealed carry clothing tips” article to have more ideas.


Choose Patterns Over Solids

You might think that a concealed carry gun is less noticeable because of its thinness and lightweight, but it still has bulk. The weapon is more complicated and less concealable under a shirt with designs on it. A plain T-shirt will do little in hiding that bulky firearm grip than one emblazoned by plaid patterning or any other type of design you can imagine.

The goal with concealed carry is to make it as easy on you and your firearm as possible. One of the ways this can be accomplished? Choosing concealment fabric that will grab attention away from what matters most: The gun!

Noticeably, several patterns like stripes can make your weapon more observable, mainly because the regularity of these patterns may be broken up and distorted by what you’re carrying. This accidentally draws attention towards your gun.

The best patterns are irregular and unpredictable. Hawaiian shirts, for example, are some of the best clothes for concealed carry

Consider The Weight Of Fabric

Finding the balance between concealment and ease of access can be a little more complicated, but you’ll get there. When concealed carry, you have three options: lightweight, medium-weight, and heavyweight fabrics. 

Heavy shirts can make it challenging to access your firearm, but they can cover up the shape of any ordnance you may be carrying on patrol.

By contrast, the light ones may drape around your weapon, which makes it noticeable. Hence, the best clothing option for concealing your weapon is usually a light to the medium-weight fabric.  

Choose The “Wrong” Clothing Size

It’s a good idea to order one size larger than you would typically wear when concealing your gun. If the waistband on your pants is too tight, there could be discomfort and even pain from having something rubbing against it all day long. So make sure that this doesn’t happen by seeking bigger sizes.

If you wear a shirt too big, your gun can somehow become tangled in the extra swaths of fabric.

Wear An Undershirt

The best way to protect your gun from rusting (by sweat) is by wearing an undershirt. Specifically, the undershirt should be made of light, breathable material such as cotton or an athletic fabric, which is considered as the best way to conceal carry in summer. This will prevent unnecessary heat from building up and uncomfortable feelings during the hot season.

Wearing an undershirt will keep you from getting chafed and make it easier to wear the gun or holster. Keep in mind; the weapon will not help you if it is sitting at home. So choose items that can be used throughout your day-to-day life and wear them accordingly.

Think Twice About Tactical Gear

Army surplus stores are an excellent place to find clothing options for concealment. The clothes that they offer look stylish and cool, making a perfect accessory in any environment. 

To most people, wearing combat gear is a sign of intent. Wearing a pair of tan desert boots and sporting tactical pants with a million pockets can draw attention, and they might even suspect you have weapons.

If you are looking for a way to conceal your weapon, consider fishing style, which can be a great way to blend in with everyone else. It is much less remarked upon and no one will suspect what might be hiding underneath those clothes.

Dress For Quick Access

Snap buttons are the best choice for easy access, and some designs can disguise them as traditional buttons. With practice, you will be able to do it one-handed with no problem at all.

Choose The Right Belt.

It’s no secret how vital your belt can be when carrying a firearm. Without the right kind of gear, the pistol is useless and could get you into some serious trouble.

The best belts for concealed carry are made from thick, sturdy leather. These durable materials can be comfortably worn under clothes without adding unnecessary bulk while providing rigidity at all times – even if you’re just sitting in a chair.

One belt can easily adjust to accommodate many sizes, and you will likely wear it a size larger than usual. A compatible strap needs to be attached for your holster not to slide around.

Conceal With Style

For many concealed carriers, how to hide under formal clothing is an important consideration.

Security guards in upscale settings are usually required to wear a suit, making them appear more professional and formal. Top-tier facilities like banks or government buildings need this kind of sense for their customers who want nothing but the best service from these types of locations.

What if you attend an event where people don’t know who to attack or defend themselves from? It can be easy for the unexpected danger of a formal environment. Fortunately, blazers make for a great way to conceal your weapon. A blazer and holster are often good enough to keep your gun discreet.

Extra Considerations for Women

Women have the potential for concealed carry, but they’re at risk of being assaulted even more than men. 

For better understanding on how to defense yourself as a woman, read this article

Compared to men’s clothing, women’s clothing usually is thinner and designed to fit more tightly. This means you need to consider concealed carry clothing for ladies when shopping by trying out some bulkier, patterned fabrics that snap shut whenever possible. Though this might seem to limit at first glance, many stylish options exist that will let your figure come through without sacrificing comfort.

Noting that women often have smaller hands than men, they need to consider the size and reach, which is not visible under their clothing.


Generally, choosing the proper clothing to conceal your gun is significant to protect yourself and make you more comfortable. You need to find something that suits both your needs and what you’re wearing for work or any other occasion.

With the “choosing concealed carry clothing tips” article, we hope these secrets will help you find the right piece of gear that meets your needs, but if not, or if there’s anything else we can do, just let us know! Don’t forget that our team of experts is here to answer any questions you might have.
