Every day, millions of patients around the world take nutritionally enriched supplements. At the same time, even though all packages indicate the recommended dose, people include in their diet much more nutrients than their bodies require. In the news and on the Internet, users are constantly told that the use of huge doses of vitamins can have a positive effect on their health. But excessive amounts can also be dangerous to the human body. Today we will consider the rules of taking fortified supplements and examine the risks of overdosing.

What are the Types of Vitamins?
All known vitamins today are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. The peculiarity of water-soluble microelements is that they are easily excreted from the body and cannot accumulate in tissues. The amount of known vitamins significantly exceeds the category of fat-soluble. Many of them are also available in the form of legal Delta 9 edibles. Among the water-soluble elements, the most popular are C and B1, B2, B5, B7, and B12.
Since this group of elements does not accumulate in tissues and is excreted naturally during urination, their use in large quantities in rare cases causes negative side effects. However, taking excessive doses can still have bad effects. Thus, the abuse of pyridoxine over a long time may lead to nervous system disorders. And excessive consumption of niacin (more than 2 grams per day) can damage liver tissues.
The distinctive feature of the fat-soluble group is that they easily accumulate in tissues and don’t dissolve in water. This group includes A, D, E, and K. Since they can accumulate in the human body, their excessive use causes a great danger. Despite this, the abuse of vitamins A, D, and E led to negative side effects only in rare cases. Meanwhile, vitamin K is harmless, so scientists have not even set an upper limit for its consumption.

The Potential Risk of Overdosing
If these elements get into the human body when eating natural foods, their excessive amount is not dangerous. But the abuse of supplements can lead to some negative consequences:
- Ascorbic acid: its large amounts can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as convulsions, nausea, and vomiting reflex.
- Niacin: it can increase blood pressure, lead to liver damage and impair eyesight.
- Pyridoxine: causes nervous system disorders, poor skin quality, increased sensitivity to light, heartburn, and nausea.
- Folic acid: it can adversely affect the brain and immune system.
- Vitamin A: this vitamin overdose causes nausea and high blood pressure.
- Vitamin D: an overdose can cause weight loss, arrhythmia, and increased levels of calcium in the blood.
- Vitamin E: it can reduce blood clotting, which often leads to internal bleeding, and in some cases even stroke.
The best way to saturate the body with nutrients is to follow a balanced diet. Fortunately, vitamins are not harmful if used according to the doctors’ prescription.