Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Kokum is known to have numerous therapeutic properties, other than forestalling lack of hydration and sunstroke.

Keeping your body hydrated is critical to beat the late spring heat. Other than bael juice and other sound cooling drinks, you can likewise attempt kokum water or kokum juice that has numerous medical advantages.

A purple shaded berry, kokum is indigenous toward the western shoreline of India and is generally utilized in nourishments in Gujarat, Maharashtra and southern states. Kokum is regularly split and dried before use. It includes a red shading and prepared taste to dishes.

Medical advantages of kokum juice

Kokum is known to have numerous restorative properties, other than forestalling lack of hydration and sunstroke. Garcinol in kokum goes about as a cell reinforcement and invulnerability supporter, and limits the danger of diseases. It is hostile to bacterial, against cancer-causing and calming. The organic product is plentiful in B-complex nutrients, for example, niacin, folates and thiamine. Kokum juice is likewise known to support assimilation, forestalling swelling, clogging or bad tempered solid discharges, as indicated by

As indicated by International Research Journal of Pharmacy, kokum is utilized as a weight reduction supplement as it is anorectic (controls craving bringing about lesser food utilization). The hydroxycitric corrosive present in the natural product battles cholesterol. In Ayurveda, it is generally utilized for deferred monthly cycle, intestinal parasites, skin rashes and consumes.

Step by step instructions to make kokum juice

Here’s the means by which you can make kokum juice, kindness gourmet expert Sanjeev Kapoor.


1/2 cup – Kokum pieces

1 cup – Sugar

1 tsp – Roasted cumin powder

1 tsp – Rock salt

16-18 – Ice blocks


  • Put the kokum pieces in a profound non-stick skillet.
  • Add 2-3 cups of water and sugar and blend well. Spread and cook for 10-15 minutes until the pieces are delicate.
  • Cool it to room temperature and pound in the blender alongside its water to make a glue.
  • Add cumin powder, lemon squeeze and rock salt in the blender and granulate to make a smooth glue. Strain. This is the kokum concentrate.
  • Put two or three 2-3 tbsp of kokum pack in a glass, include ice solid shapes and chilled water and blend well. Serve.

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