Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

So here we have the Website ATM, a one-button cash machine that professes to let out $500 per day. In the event that you’ve been attempting to bring in cash on the web, this framework may sound great… be that as it may, perhaps somewhat “excessively great”. I will uncover reality in this Website ATM audit.

On the off chance that your gut is revealing to you something’s incorrectly here, you’d be correct. I don’t know what sort of individuals think of frameworks like the Website ATM however at whatever point I audit them I’m astounded at how low individuals will sink to trick others.

Is it simply the cash however, or do they appreciate ripping individuals off?

Site ATM Homepage screen

In any case, I will give Website ATM an appropriate audit like I would for any genuine program, and before I get into the reasons I believe they’re a trick, I’ll clarify what their identity is and what they do. As I would like to think, the rundown of untruths and double dealings here are amazing… however, it’s your assessment that is important.

The Website ATM should be a press button web designer made by ex-bookkeeper Nick Harvey. Be that as it may, this isn’t only any web designer. It’s a moment cash machine… like having an ATM in your pocket.

It’s so acceptable truth be told, he requests that you stay quiet about it.

“Try not to educate anybody regarding this”, he says. To keep the specialists (and different advertisers) from getting on… they will restrict the quantity of Website ATM’s they offer to 300, and ensure every site is covered at just $500 each day.

The business video and pitch is very acceptable. It makes similar guarantee as comparable frameworks like Point 2 Click Profits, 10 Minute Paydays, Income Sites Online, and Fast Home Sites which basically say you can “bring in cash with a push of a button”… so I comprehend for what reason you’d need to look at Website ATM further. It even got me somewhat energized and I definitely know how the entirety of this stuff functions.

The essential thought is that you pay $47 for a machine that forms sites for you. These sites should rank rapidly on Google, create traffic quickly, and begin bringing in cash in practically no time.

In actuality however, the $47 truly just gives you admittance to some fundamental data. Nothing that will make them bring in cash quickly as I would like to think. And afterward, since you should share some contact data during the sign-up measure… the following stages are a lot of more costly upsells.

It’s actual, you can bring in cash thusly (it’s the manner by which I procure my pay on the web). In any case, you can’t do it with the press of a catch.

I’ve additionally seen (and assessed) Website ATM previously… just it was called Money Sucking Website at that point (likewise alluded to as the MSW System).

By admin