A cousin of the cactus, aloe vera is a fatty plant composed mainly of water and which is renowned for its many beauty benefits. It grows where it is hot and dry and is cultivated mainly in Mexico, Spain, or the southern United States. Since Antiquity, its pulp (the precious aloe vera gel) has been used for its benefits for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Today, its reputation is well established. This plant is considered a flagship active in the field of cosmetics and is very popular with dermatologists and physiotherapists.
Aloe vera: its many benefits
It is therefore mainly from its pulp that aloe vera derives its benefits for the beauty of the skin. Full of water, concentrated in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (including 8 essential), this gel has extraordinary moisturizing power. In your body and face care, it helps the skin to retain water on the surface for optimal hydration and thus helps strengthen the skin barrier. The benefits of aloe vera don’t end there. It is also credited with soothing, softening, and healing properties which also make it a real ally for relieving sunburn in summer or even minor skin irritations. It is an essential active ingredient for dry skin, damaged or sensitive. Aloe vera can also be found in your anti-aging treatments. By stimulating cell renewal and collagen production, it helps fight against the acceleration of skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
Aloe vera: how to consume it?
To enjoy the benefits of aloe vera on your skin, prefer face and body treatments with a high concentration of aloe vera gel. Be careful about consuming aloe vera in the form of drinks or capsules. Product quality is essential. It is important to make sure that the aloe vera is natural, non-processing, and cold stabilized. To do this, head to your organic stores, and if in doubt ask your doctor for advice.
Aloe vera VS acne: mode of action
“Aloe vera is interesting for oily skin because it has to purify properties, which allows it to regulate the sebum of the skin, explains Vanessa Lopez. It acts as a kind of gentle peel (a scrub). In the treatment of acne, it is useful but not sufficient: to overcome it, it is essential to take an interest in your diet to check if it is not the cause, as is the case. most of the time. “
It is thanks to its “anti-infectious, antiseptic, antibacterial and purifying properties” that aloe vera acts effectively on oily skin. It also has “anti-inflammatory and soothing properties useful in acne-prone skin, and helps accelerate microcirculation, remove dead skin, stimulate regeneration and repair of the skin,” says the naturopath.
Instructions for use and homemade recipe
How to use aloe vera against acne? According to the specialist, it is better to favor the most natural and concentrated form possible: the pure gel, to be applied directly to the skin. “Cream-type commercial cosmetic products generally contain very few active ingredients,” she regrets.
It is also possible to make your own anti-acne treatment based on aloe vera:
Mix a large tablespoon of pure aloe vera gel with 2 teaspoons of black cumin oil (black cumin).
Optional (for those who tolerate essential oils well): add to your preparation 5 drops of tea tree essential oil + 5 drops of true lavender essential oil.
Apply directly to the area to be treated (on clean skin).
Another tip that does not require any preparation: “You can put a dab of pure aloe vera gel directly on the skin, then add 2 drops of black cumin or calophyllum oil (choose the one you prefer). “
Are there any contraindications? “None when the aloe vera gel is applied pure, externally, and without essential oils. »If your treatment contains essential oils, it is rather not recommended for young children and pregnant women.