Albertans have a new way of showing they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Premier Jason Kenney says the AB Covid Records Verifier app is available as a free download on iOS and Android devices, giving businesses utilizing the Restrictions Exemption Program a way to scan the QR codes on Albertans’ enhanced vaccine record to confirm their patrons’ vaccination status.
“Enhanced vaccine records with a QR code and easy-to-use validator app are important tools in support of our commitment to protect the health-care system, slow the spread, and increase vaccination rates,” says Kenney.
When the QR code is scanned, a green checkmark will verify the proof of vaccination. It displays the person’s name, date of birth, and whether they have been vaccinated.
Businesses are asked to check for a valid ID that matches the vaccine record for people aged 18 and older.
Health Minister Jason Copping adds that the app does not store any patrons’ personal information.
“Our new proof of vaccine record and verifier app is more secure and easier to use for Albertans and businesses taking part in our Restrictions Exemption Program. It allows Albertans to easily show their vaccine record so they can safely do the things they enjoy – like visiting a recreation centre, gym, restaurant, or attending a sports or arts event.”
Albertans can also go to to access their immunization records and print them off. Vaccine records can also be printed off at a registry agent’s office.
However, as of November 15, the app and QR code will be the only acceptable proof of vaccination in the province.
Currently, about 85 per cent of eligible Albertans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine while 75.5 per cent are fully immunized.