Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Insurance Marketing

Every business must market itself to newer audiences to generate new leads and earn greater revenue. Insurance agencies are no exception to this axiom. There are several innovative digital marketing tools that insurance companies can leverage to approach their target audiences effectively.

10 Smart Tips for Better Insurance Marketing

Here are some of the best insurance marketing ideas that can help you reach your target customers without breaking the bank – 

1. Create a referral program

Insurance marketing relies immensely on expanding its customer base and ensuring that the current customers stay loyal.

Shoppers who approach an insurance firm through referrals provided by their acquaintances are four times more likely to convert. Besides that, customers who are loyal to your insurance firm are four times more likely to hand out a referral to a friend.

Setting up a referral program can be fueled if you offer an enticing reward to your customers for every shopper they refer who successfully purchases a policy. You can set the reward to either be a gift card, a discount, cashback, or anything else.

2. Create a unique landing page

Landing pages on your insurance agency website are meant to target specific keywords that facilitate conversions. More landing pages lead to better business outreach in your target market segment who might be interested in purchasing insurance.

You can address customer questions on your landing pages, such as the differences between auto insurance and life insurance, or discuss specific states’ policies and insurance providers. 

It is recommended to end each landing page with a lead magnet, like an insurance calculator, an instant quote, or a breakdown of policy options, to make visitors enter their phone numbers and emails to add to your SMS and email marketing list.

3. Leverage email marketing

As an insurance agent, you must build a marketing system to consistently stay in touch with your present customers and approach prospects to ensure conversion. According to Campaign Monitor, 64% of small businesses have implemented email marketing to approach customers in 2021.

For instance, you can deliver a personalized email expressing gratitude to the customer for purchasing insurance from you, provide life insurance marketing ideas, or offer discounts on their premium for every successful referral.

Here are some quick tips to help you successfully launch your email marketing campaigns –

  • Make your subject line brief yet catchy
  • Address FAQs through emails
  • Distribute newsletters via email
  • Use an auto-responder
  • Use an effective call-to-action

4. Post relevant and engaging content

Content marketing has ventured beyond everyday articles. About 80% of B2B marketers have revealed having a content marketing strategy, according to B2B Content Marketing. Staying ahead of the competition involves:

  • Consistently uploading rich-quality and engaging content on your website
  • Updating blogs
  • Posting infographics and videos regularly on social media

You must establish your business as a credible source of information within the insurance realm, which can be achieved by publishing legitimately useful content for your target customers.

A well-implemented content marketing strategy simplifies the process of acquiring new policyholders if your content is entertaining, informative, and updated regularly.

5. Take advantage of video content

Video marketing can swiftly boost your insurance marketing efforts owing to its addictive engagement. A whopping 87% of marketers leverage video content to conduct business promotions.

Here are some types of videos that you can create for your insurance firm –

  • Testimonials – Showcase the experience of satisfied customers by featuring them in your videos to humanize your business and attract positive attention.
  • Insurance tutorials – Most insurance concepts are hard to comprehend for everyday consumers without expert advice, which is why creating informative video tutorials can be useful in helping your audience learn more about insurance policies. 
  • “About Us” videos – This type of video content involves creating informative branding videos that highlight your firm’s morals, services, and the markets served.

6. Make the most of social media platforms

Maintain an active social presence by sharing entertaining yet informative content beneficial for your target audience. Besides posting valuable content, consider collaborating with influencers to increase brand exposure and promote your brand to a broader audience.

About 53% of the global population uses social media, making it crucial for your business to have an efficient social media strategy.

You can also increase the reach of your social media posts by leveraging paid ads. You can post ads on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms. Paid lead generation helps you target a specific demographic, location, or audience group that portrays higher odds of conversion.

7. Implement PPC advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads effectively push your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). PPC ads enable specific audience targeting without deviating from your marketing budget. 

Do not merely pick the most popular keywords, but go for a mix of relevance and popularity. For instance, while “health insurance” might have a massive search volume, it can be an expensive keyword to target. Instead, consider targeting more specific keywords with lower search volumes, such as “health insurance for seniors,” which, typically, are just as effective for your ROI.

8. Adopt LinkedIn networking

You can conveniently market yourself as an insurance agent on professional platforms like LinkedIn to approach clients beyond your direct locale.

Some quick tips for networking on LinkedIn include –

  • Completing your LinkedIn profile and business page in full
  • Sending a personalized note to those you request to connect with
  • Uploading relevant posts consistently
  • Uploading valuable content and building relationships through informative content

LinkedIn is an excellent insurance marketing platform for agents and firms specializing in selling businesses’ policies. About 80% of B2B marketers agree that LinkedIn is effective in achieving lead generation.

9. Monitor online reviews

Reviews left by previous customers can significantly impact your insurance business, considering that 97% of buyers read online business reviews. Monitoring online reviews is one of the most crucial steps towards devising marketing ideas for insurance companies.

Therefore, acquiring positive feedback from satisfied customers and posting it on Google, Facebook, and other review websites are pivotal in encouraging potential clients to pick your insurance firm.

You must also proactively deal with negative reviews by following up with the client and trying your best to improve their situation. If you find a viable solution that resolves the issue, acknowledge it online to inform viewers that you care about your clients.

10. Ensure brand consistency

You must stay consistent with your brand voice, style, and pitch across different marketing channels to reinforce your credibility, build trust, and strengthen your brand reputation. Ensure audience engagement with interactive social media posts about ongoing trends.

It is imperative to maintain your brand tone when responding to messages, emails, tweets, phone calls, online reviews, @mentions, and comments on social media. To promote brand recognition, you must provide clients and prospects with a similar encounter in every interaction.

Final Words

If you run an insurance firm, you must be focused on your marketing efforts and broaden your online network to generate more leads and boost sales. The above-mentioned insurance agency marketing strategy and ideas can help you promote your insurance firm to a broader audience cost-effectively.

Digital marketing is an effective approach to expanding your insurance business. Amura Marketing Technologies, a leading digital marketing services provider, can offer you the best industry practices to help your insurance marketing efforts and achieve your firm’s unique requirements.

